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absoluteTimeout() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
AbstractBufferWriter<B> - Class in
A base class for CharBufferWriter and ByteBufferWriter.
AbstractBufferWriter(IOSubchannel) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance that uses Output events to dispatch buffers on the given channel, using the channel’s response pipeline.
AbstractBufferWriter(IOSubchannel, EventPipeline) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance that uses Output events to dispatch buffers on the given channel, using the given event pipeline.
AbstractMailChannel(O, Channel) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.mail.MailConnectionManager.AbstractMailChannel
Instantiates a new mail channel instance.
Accepted - Class in
This event signals that a new connection has been made by a client.
Accepted(SocketAddress, SocketAddress, boolean, List<SNIServerName>) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
acceptNoSni() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
Returns if secure (TLS) requests without SNI are allowed.
acquire() - Method in class
Acquires a managed buffer from the pool.
acquire() - Method in class
Acquire a permit, waiting until one becomes available.
Action(String) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new action.
ActionEvent<T> - Class in org.jgrapes.core.internal
A base class for events that perform an action instead of being handled.
ActionEvent(String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ActionEvent
Instantiates a new action event.
ActionExecutor - Class in org.jgrapes.core.internal
Helper class for simulating event handlers.
ActionExecutor() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ActionExecutor
actions() - Method in class
Returns the actions.
activeEventPipeline() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
activeEventPipeline() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Returns the pipeline used when firing an event.
add(Class<? extends Channel>, Channel...) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.annotation.HandlerDefinition.ChannelReplacements
Adds a replacements to the replacements.
add(Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.GeneratorRegistry
Adds a generator.
add(String, String, Object) - Method in class
Add a new (or updated) configuration value for the given path and key.
add(K, V) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components.PoolingIndex
Adds the value to the pool of values associated with the key.
add(ComponentType, String, Object) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.annotation.Handler.Evaluator
Add a handler like Handler.Evaluator.add(ComponentType, String, Object, Object, int) but take the values for event and priority from the annotation.
add(ComponentType, String, Object, Object, int) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.annotation.Handler.Evaluator
Adds the given method of the given component as a dynamic handler for a specific event and channel.
add(ComponentType, String, String) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.annotation.RequestHandler.Evaluator
Adds the given method of the given component as a dynamic handler for a specific pattern.
add(ComponentType, String, String, int) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.annotation.RequestHandler.Evaluator
Adds the given method of the given component as a dynamic handler for a specific pattern with the specified priority.
add(T, Channel...) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.BufferingEventPipeline
add(T, Channel...) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventProcessor
addCompletionEvent(Event<?>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Adds the given event to the events to be thrown when this event has completed (see Future.isDone()).
addCompletionEvent(Event<?>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
Adds the given event to the events to be thrown when this event has completed (see Future.isDone()).
addContent(BodyPart) - Method in class
Adds the part to the content.
addHandler(Method, HandlerScope, int) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
addHandler(Method, HandlerScope, int) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Adds a handler for the given method with the given scope and priority.
addListener(AvailabilityListener) - Method in class
Adds an AvailabilityListener.
address() - Method in class
Gets the address.
addSessionCookie(HttpResponse, String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Creates a session id and adds the corresponding cookie to the response.
addTo(Queue<EventChannelsTuple>, EventBase<?>, Channel...) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventChannelsTuple
Adds a newly created EventChannelsTuple to the given queue.
append(char) - Method in class
append(char) - Method in class
append(CharSequence) - Method in class
append(CharSequence) - Method in class
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class
applicationBufferSize() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpConnector
Returns the size of the application side (receive) buffers.
applicationBufferSize() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
Returns the size of the application side (receive) buffers.
applicationPath() - Method in class
The absolute path of the application’s preferences.
array() - Method in class
arrayOffset() - Method in class
as(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.util.ConfigurationStore
If the value is not null, return it as the requested type.
asBoolean(Object) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.util.ConfigurationStore
Short for as(value, Boolean.class).
asInstant(Object) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.util.ConfigurationStore
Short for as(value, Instant.class).
asNumber(Object) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.util.ConfigurationStore
Short for as(value, Number.class).
associate(Associator, Serializable, V) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.TypedIdKey
Associates the given value’s type and the id with the given value using the given associator.
associated(Class<V>) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Associator
Retrieves the associated object following the association with the given class.
associated(Object, Class<V>) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Associator
Retrieves the associated object following the association with the given “name”.
associated(Object, Class<V>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
associated(Object, Class<V>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Subchannel.DefaultSubchannel
Retrieves the associated object following the association with the given “name”.
associated(Object, Class<V>) - Method in class
Delegates the invocation to the upstream channel if no associated data is found for this channel.
associated(Object, Supplier<V>) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Associator
Retrieves the associated object following the association with the given “name”.
associated(String) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Associator
Retrieves the associated object following the association with the given name.
associated(Associator, Class<V>, Serializable) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.TypedIdKey
Retrieves a value with the given type and id from the given associator.
associatedGet(Class<V>) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Associator
Assumes the associated object to be of type Supplier<Optional<V>>.
associatedLocale(Associator) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector
Convenience method to retrieve a locale from an associator.
Associator - Interface in org.jgrapes.core
Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
asString(Object) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.util.ConfigurationStore
Short for as(value, String.class).
attach(T) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
attach(T) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Attaches the given component node (or complete tree) as a child to the component managed by this manager.
Attached - Class in
Signals the addition of a component (or subtree) to the component tree.
Attached(ComponentType, ComponentType) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event.
augmentPermits(int) - Method in class
Adds the given number of permits to the pool.
availabilityChanged(PermitsPool, boolean) - Method in interface
Called when the availability has changed.
AvailabilityListener - Interface in
Used to notify interested objects about the changed availability of permits.
availablePermits() - Method in class
Returns the number of currently available permits.
awaitExhaustion() - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Wait until all generators and event queues are exhausted.
awaitExhaustion() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.EventPipeline
Waits until this pipeline is empty.
awaitExhaustion() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.BufferingEventPipeline
awaitExhaustion() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventProcessor
awaitExhaustion() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.GeneratorRegistry
Await exhaustion.
awaitExhaustion(long) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Wait until all generators and event queues are exhausted or the maximum wait time has expired.
awaitExhaustion(long) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.GeneratorRegistry
Await exhaustion with a timeout.


backing - Variable in class
backingBuffer() - Method in class
Return the backing buffer.
backlog() - Method in class
Return the configured backlog size.
bcc() - Method in class
Gets the bcc addresses.
BROADCAST - Static variable in interface org.jgrapes.core.Channel
A special channel instance that can be used to send events to all components.
buffer - Variable in class
buffer() - Method in class
Get the managed buffer with the data from this event.
BufferCollector<B> - Interface in
Defines the method of a buffer collector.
BufferedReaderPipeline - Class in
Forwards the lines from a BufferedReader as a sequence of Output (or optionally Input) events.
BufferedReaderPipeline(BufferedReader, IOSubchannel) - Constructor for class
Creates a new pipeline that sends the lines from the given reader as events on the given channel, using the channel’s response pipeline.
BufferedReaderPipeline(BufferedReader, IOSubchannel, EventPipeline) - Constructor for class
Creates a new pipeline that sends the lines from the given reader as events on the given channel, using the given event pipeline.
BufferingEventPipeline - Class in org.jgrapes.core.internal
The buffering event pipeline is used before a tree has been started.
bufferSize() - Method in class
Returns the size of the buffers managed by this pool.
bufferSize() - Method in class
Return the configured buffer size.
ByteBufferOutputStream - Class in
An OutputStream that is backed by ByteBuffers obtained from a queue.
ByteBufferOutputStream(IOSubchannel) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance that uses Output events to dispatch buffers on the given channel, using the channel’s response pipeline.
ByteBufferOutputStream(IOSubchannel, EventPipeline) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance that uses Output events to dispatch buffers on the given channel, using the given event pipeline.
byteBufferPool() - Method in interface
Get the subchannel’s byte buffer pool.
byteBufferPool() - Method in class
Returns the buffer pool set.
ByteBufferWriter - Class in
An Writer that encodes the data written to it and stores it in a ByteBuffer obtained from a queue.
ByteBufferWriter(IOSubchannel) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance that uses Output events to dispatch buffers on the given channel, using the channel’s response pipeline.
ByteBufferWriter(IOSubchannel, EventPipeline) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance that uses Output events to dispatch buffers on the given channel, using the given event pipeline.


cancel() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components.Timer
Cancels this timer.
cancel(boolean) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Prevents the invocation of further handlers (like Event.stop() and (in addition) the invocation of any added completed events.
capacity() - Method in class
cc() - Method in class
Gets the cc addresses.
change() - Method in class
Returns the change.
channel - Variable in class
channel() - Element in annotation interface org.jgrapes.core.annotation.ComponentManager
Specifies the channel to be associated with the component type instance as a ClassChannel’s key.
channel() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Component
Returns the channel associated with the component.
channel() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentProxy
channel() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Returns the channel of the component managed by this manager.
Channel - Interface in org.jgrapes.core
Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
Channel.Default - Interface in org.jgrapes.core
This interface’s class can be used to specify the component’s channel (see as criterion in handler annotations.
ChannelInfo(SocketConnectionManager.SocketChannelImpl) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new channel info.
channelReplacements() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
Return the channel replacements passed to the constructor.
ChannelReplacements() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.annotation.HandlerDefinition.ChannelReplacements
channels - Variable in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventChannelsTuple
channels - Variable in class
channels() - Element in annotation interface org.jgrapes.core.annotation.Handler
Specifies classes of channels that the handler listens on.
channels() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Returns the channels associated with the event.
channels() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
channels() - Element in annotation interface org.jgrapes.http.annotation.RequestHandler
Specifies classes of channels that the handler listens on.
channels(Class<C>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Returns the subset of channels that are assignable to the given type.
charBufferPool() - Method in interface
Get the subchannel’s char buffer pool.
charBufferPool() - Method in class
Returns the buffer pool set.
CharBufferWriter - Class in
An Writer that is backed by CharBuffers obtained from a queue.
CharBufferWriter(IOSubchannel) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance that uses Output events to dispatch buffers on the given channel, using the channel’s response pipeline.
CharBufferWriter(IOSubchannel, EventPipeline) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance that uses Output events to dispatch buffers on the given channel, using the given event pipeline.
charset() - Method in class
Convenience method for retrieving the Charset from the response.
charset(Charset) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.WwwFormUrldecoder
Sets the charset to be used if WwwFormUrldecoder.feed(ManagedBuffer) is invoked with ManagedBuffer<ByteBuffer>.
charset(Charset) - Method in class
Sets the charset to be used for converting the written data to bytes which defaults to UTF-8.
charset(Charset) - Method in class
Sets the charset to be used if LineCollector.feed(ManagedBuffer) is invoked with ManagedBuffer<ByteBuffer>.
charset(Charset) - Method in class
Sets the charset to be used if ManagedBufferReader.feed(ManagedBuffer) is invoked with ManagedBuffer<ByteBuffer>.
charset(Charset) - Method in class
Sets the charset to be used if ManagedBufferStreamer.feed(ManagedBuffer) is invoked with ManagedBuffer<ByteBuffer>.
checkAssertions() - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Utility method that checks if an assertion error has occurred while executing handlers.
checkAssertions() - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.CoreUtils
Check if an assertion has been set and if, throw it.
checkMethodSignature(Method) - Static method in interface org.jgrapes.core.annotation.HandlerDefinition.Evaluator
Utility method for checking if the method can be used as handler.
children() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
children() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Returns the child components of the component managed by this manager as unmodifiable list.
ClassChannel - Class in org.jgrapes.core
This class is the root base class for channels that use their class (type) as value for matching (see Eligible).
ClassChannel() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.ClassChannel
className(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Returns the full name or simple name of the class depending on the log level.
classNames - Static variable in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.CoreUtils
clear() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components.PoolingIndex
Remove all entries.
clear() - Method in class
clear() - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.Password
Clear the stored password.
clearAll(String...) - Method in class
Adds a new deletion action that clears all keys with the given path prefix.
ClientConnected - Class in
This event signals that a new connection has been made by a client.
ClientConnected(OpenSocketConnection, SocketAddress, SocketAddress) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
close() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.http.Session
Iterates through all values in the transient data map and calls AutoCloseable.close() for each that implements the AutoCloseable interface.
close() - Method in class
Flushes any remaining data with the end of record flag set (unless AbstractBufferWriter.suppressEndOfRecord() has been called) and fires a Close event (unless AbstractBufferWriter.suppressClose() has been called).
close() - Method in class
Flushes any remaining data with the end of record flag set (unless ByteBufferOutputStream.suppressEndOfRecord() has been called) and fires a Close event (unless ByteBufferOutputStream.suppressClose() has been called).
close() - Method in class
Closes the connection.
close() - Method in class

Note that this is the Reader’s close method.

close() - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailMonitor.MonitorChannel
Close the connection to the store.
close() - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailSender.SenderChannel
close() - Method in class
Closes this channel.
Close - Class in
This event causes the initiator of an I/O channel to shutdown the channel.
Close() - Constructor for class
closeConnection() - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailSender.SenderChannel
Close the connection (not the channel).
closed(ConnectionEvent) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailMonitor.MonitorChannel
Callback that indicates the connection close, can be called any time by jakarta mail.
Closed<T> - Class in
This event signals that an I/O subchannel will no longer be used.
Closed() - Constructor for class
Creates a new event that signals a regular close.
Closed(Throwable) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event that signals a close in response to an error (usually an IOException.
command() - Method in class
Returns the command.
compareTo(char[]) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.Password
Compare to a given char array.
compareTo(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.Password
Compare to a given string.
completed - Variable in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
Set when the event has been completed.
Completed(Request.In, Channel...) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new event.
Completed(NioRegistration, Channel...) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new event.
CompletionEvent<T> - Class in org.jgrapes.core
A base class for events that signal the completion of some other (monitored) event and provide this other event as their result.
CompletionEvent(T, Channel...) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.CompletionEvent
Instantiates a new completion event.
completionEvents - Variable in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
The events to be fired upon completion.
completionEvents() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Returns the events to be thrown when this event has completed (see Event.isDone()).
CompletionLock - Class in org.jgrapes.core
Represents a lock that prevents sending completion events.
CompletionLock(Event<?>) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.CompletionLock
Creates a completion lock without timeout.
CompletionLock(Event<?>, long) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.CompletionLock
Creates a completion lock for the given event with the given timeout.
CompletionLockBase - Class in org.jgrapes.core.internal
The base class for completeion locks.
CompletionLockBase(EventBase<?>, long) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.internal.CompletionLockBase
component() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Component
component() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentProxy
component() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
Returns the component represented by this node in the tree.
component() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Returns the component managed by this manager.
Component - Class in org.jgrapes.core
This class can be used as base class for implementing a component.
Component() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.Component
Creates a new component base with its channel set to itself.
Component(Channel) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.Component
Creates a new component base with its channel set to the given channel.
Component(Channel, HandlerDefinition.ChannelReplacements) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.Component
Creates a new component base like Component(Channel) but with channel mappings for Handler annotations.
COMPONENT_NAME - Static variable in class org.jgrapes.util.ComponentProvider
The entry name for the component’s name.
COMPONENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.jgrapes.util.ComponentProvider
The entry name for the component’s type.
ComponentCollector<F> - Class in org.jgrapes.core
This class has been moved to ComponentCollector.
ComponentCollector<F> - Class in org.jgrapes.util
A component that collects all component factory services of a given type and uses each to create one or more components that are then attached to the component collector instance.
ComponentCollector(Class<F>, Channel) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.ComponentCollector
Utility constructor that uses each factory to create a single instance, using an empty map as properties.
ComponentCollector(Class<F>, Channel) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.ComponentCollector
Utility constructor that uses each factory to create a single instance, using an empty map as properties.
ComponentCollector(Class<F>, Channel, Function<String, List<Map<Object, Object>>>) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.ComponentCollector
Creates a new collector that collects the factories of the given type and uses each to create one or more instances with this component’s (the component collector’s) channel.
ComponentCollector(Class<F>, Channel, Function<String, List<Map<Object, Object>>>) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.ComponentCollector
Creates a new collector that collects the factories of the given type and uses each to create one or more instances with this component’s (the component collector’s) channel.
componentConfigurations(ConfigurationUpdate) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.ComponentProvider
Retrieves the configurations for components to be provided from an entry in a ConfigurationUpdate event.
ComponentFactory - Interface in org.jgrapes.core
A general purpose factory interface for components.
ComponentManager - Annotation Interface in org.jgrapes.core.annotation
This annotation marks a component type’s attribute of type Manager as a slot for the component type’s manager.
componentPath() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
componentPath() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Returns the path of the component.
ComponentProvider - Class in org.jgrapes.util
Provides child components dynamically using ComponentFactorys.
ComponentProvider() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.ComponentProvider
Creates a new component with its channel set to this object.
ComponentProvider(Channel) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.ComponentProvider
Creates a new component with its channel set to the given channel.
ComponentProxy - Class in org.jgrapes.core.internal
The ComponentProxy is a special ComponentVertex that references the object implementing the Component interface (instead of being its base class).
Components - Class in org.jgrapes.core
This class provides some utility functions.
Components.IdInfoProvider - Interface in org.jgrapes.core
Implemented by classes that want a special class (scope) to be used for looking up their id or want to map to another object for getting the id (see Components.objectId(Object)).
Components.PoolingIndex<K,V> - Class in org.jgrapes.core
An index of pooled items.
Components.TimeoutHandler - Interface in org.jgrapes.core
Instances are added to the scheduler in order to be invoked at a given time.
Components.Timer - Class in org.jgrapes.core
Represents a timer as created by Components.schedule(TimeoutHandler, Instant).
componentType() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.ComponentFactory
Returns the type of the components created by this factory.
ComponentType - Interface in org.jgrapes.core
This interface marks a class as a component.
componentVertex(ComponentType, Channel) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
Return the component node for a given component.
ComponentVertex - Class in org.jgrapes.core.internal
ComponentVertex is the base class for all nodes in the component tree.
ComponentVertex(HandlerDefinition.ChannelReplacements) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
Initialize the ComponentVertex.
config - Variable in class org.jgrapes.util.NightConfigStore
ConfigurationStore - Class in org.jgrapes.util
A base class for configuration stores.
ConfigurationStore() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.ConfigurationStore
Creates a new component with its channel set to itself.
ConfigurationStore(Channel) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.ConfigurationStore
Creates a new component base with its channel set to the given channel.
ConfigurationStore(Channel, HandlerDefinition.ChannelReplacements) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.ConfigurationStore
Creates a new component base like ConfigurationStore(Channel) but with channel mappings for Handler annotations.
ConfigurationUpdate - Class in
An event to indicate that configuration information has been updated.
ConfigurationUpdate() - Constructor for class
configureComponent(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailConnectionManager
Configure the component specific values.
configureComponent(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailMonitor
Configure the component.
configureComponent(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailSender
Connect(URL) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new request.
Connect(HttpRequest, boolean, int, Channel...) - Constructor for class
Create a new event.
Connected<T> - Class in
This event signals that a new connection has been established.
Connected(SocketAddress, SocketAddress) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
connectedCallback() - Method in class
Returns the connected callback.
ConnectError - Class in
Indicates a problem while opening a network connection.
ConnectError(Event<?>, String) - Constructor for class
ConnectError(Event<?>, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class
ConnectError(Event<?>, Throwable) - Constructor for class
ConnectError(ConnectError) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event as a copy of an existing event.
Connection(Channel) - Constructor for class
ConnectionManager<C> - Class in
A base class for components that manage Subchannels representing some kind of connection to a server or service.
ConnectionManager() - Constructor for class
Creates a new component base with its channel set to itself.
ConnectionManager(Channel) - Constructor for class
Creates a new component base like Component(Channel) but with channel mappings for Handler annotations.
ConnectionManager(Channel, HandlerDefinition.ChannelReplacements) - Constructor for class
Creates a new component base with its channel set to the given channel.
ConnectionManager.Connection - Class in
The base class for the connections managed by this component.
connections - Variable in class
connectionsGenerate() - Method in class
If connections are event generators, register the component as generator upon the creation of the first connection and unregister it when closing the last one.
connectionsGenerate() - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailMonitor
connectionsGenerate() - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailSender
consumer(BiConsumer<String, String>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.WwwFormUrldecoder
Configures a consumer for key/value pairs.
consumer(Consumer<String>) - Method in class
Configures a consumer for lines.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components.PoolingIndex
Checks if the key is in the index.
content() - Method in class
Returns the content.
contentType(URI) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.freemarker.FreeMarkerRequestHandler
Used to get the content type when generating a response with FreeMarkerRequestHandler.sendProcessedTemplate(Request.In, IOSubchannel, Template).
cookieMaxAge() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector
Returns the max age of the cookie used to store the preferences.
cookieName() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector
Returns the cookie name.
copied() - Method in class
Returns all chars and resets the copy buffer.
CopyReader - Class in
A filter that copies all data read into a buffer.
CopyReader(Reader) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new copy reader.
CoreUtils - Class in org.jgrapes.core.internal
Common utility methods.
create() - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.annotation.HandlerDefinition.ChannelReplacements
Create a new replacements specification object.
create() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.ComponentFactory
Creates a new component with its channel set to itself.
create(Channel) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.ComponentFactory
Creates a new component with its channel set to the given channel.
create(Channel, Map<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.ComponentFactory
Creates a new component with its channel set to the given channel using the given additional properties.
create(Component) - Static method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Subchannel
Creates a new subchannel of the given component’s channel.
create(Component, EventPipeline) - Static method in interface
Creates a new subchannel of the given component’s channel with the given event pipeline and a buffer pool with two buffers sized 4096.
CREATED - Enum constant in enum class
createdAt() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySession
Returns the creation time stamp.
createdAt() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.http.Session
Returns the creation time stamp.
createMatchValue(Class<?>, ResourcePattern) - Static method in class
Creates the match value.
createSession(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySessionManager
createSession(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Creates a new session with the given id.
criterionToString(Object) - Static method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Channel
Returns a textual representation of a channel’s criterion.
currentResults() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Allows access to the intermediate result before the completion of the event.
currentResults() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase


data() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.NamedEvent
Returns a map with data that belongs to the event.
data() - Method in class
Return the data associated with this event as Buffer.
data() - Method in class
Gets the data.
data() - Method in class
A shortcut to get the result of the completed query event.
DataInput<T> - Class in
Signals that some data is available for handling.
DataInput(T) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new data input providing the given data.
DEFAULT_MAX_AGE_CALCULATOR - Static variable in class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport
A default implementation for the max-age calculator.
defaultCriterion() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.ClassChannel
Returns the class of this channel as value.
defaultCriterion() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Component
Return the object itself as value.
defaultCriterion() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Eligible
Returns a sample criterion that this Eligible meets.
defaultCriterion() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Returns the class of this event as representation of its kind.
defaultCriterion() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ActionEvent
defaultCriterion() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentProxy
Return the object itself as value.
defaultCriterion() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.NamedChannel
Returns the name of the channel as its value.
defaultCriterion() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.NamedEvent
Returns the kind of the event as the String passed to the constructor.
defaultCriterion() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Subchannel
Returns the main channel’s match value.
defaultCriterion() - Method in class
The match value consists of the event class and a URI.
defaultDrainDelay() - Static method in class
Returns the default drain delay.
defaultExecutorService() - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Return the default executor service for the framework.
DefaultIOSubchannel(Channel, EventPipeline) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance with the given main channel and response pipeline.
DefaultMaxAgeCalculator() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport.DefaultMaxAgeCalculator
DefaultSubchannel(Channel) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.Subchannel.DefaultSubchannel
Creates a new instance with the given main channel and response pipeline.
definitionEvaluator(HandlerDefinition) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.CoreUtils
Create a new definition evaluator.
delete(String) - Method in class
Adds a new deletion action to the event.
Delete(URL) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new request.
Delete(HttpRequest, boolean, int, Channel...) - Constructor for class
Create a new event.
DELETED - Enum constant in enum class
Deletion(String) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new deletion.
derivePattern(String) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Derives the resource pattern from the path.
detach() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
detach() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Detaches the component managed by this manager (with its children, if any) from the component tree that it currently belongs to.
Detached - Class in
Signals the removal of a component from the component tree.
Detached(ComponentType, ComponentType) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event.
directory() - Method in class
Returns the directory.
directory(File) - Method in class
Sets the working directory for the process.
disableTracking() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
Disables tracking for this event and all events generated when handling it.
DiscardSession - Class in
Causes a session manager to discard the given session.
DiscardSession(Session, Channel...) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event.
disconnected(ConnectionEvent) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailMonitor.MonitorChannel
According to the documentation, ConnectionEvent.DISCONNECTED is currently not used.
doRespond(Request.In, IOSubchannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.freemarker.FreeMarkerRequestHandler
Removes the prefix specified in the constructor from the path in the request.
downPipeline() - Method in class
Gets the down pipeline.
downPipeline() - Method in class
Gets the down pipeline.
downPipeline() - Method in class
Gets the down pipeline.
downstreamChannel(Manager, IOSubchannel) - Static method in class
Returns the linked downstream channel that has been created for the given component and (upstream) subchannel.
downstreamChannel(Manager, IOSubchannel, Class<T>) - Static method in class
Like LinkedIOSubchannel.downstreamChannel(Manager, IOSubchannel), but with the return value of the specified type.
duplicate() - Method in class
Duplicate the buffer.
duplicate(T) - Static method in class
Duplicate the event.
dynamic() - Element in annotation interface org.jgrapes.core.annotation.Handler
Returns true if the annotated method defines a dynamic handler.
dynamic() - Element in annotation interface org.jgrapes.http.annotation.RequestHandler
Returns true if the annotated annotation defines a dynamic handler.


effectiveRequestUri(String, HttpRequest) - Method in class
Builds the URI that represents this request.
effectiveRequestUri(String, HttpRequest) - Method in class
Builds the URI that represents this request.
Eligible - Interface in org.jgrapes.core
This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
emit(IOSubchannel) - Method in interface
Emit the Output events.
EMPTY_BYTE_BUFFER - Static variable in class
EMPTY_CHAR_BUFFER - Static variable in class
enqueued() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
Returns true if the event has been enqueued in a pipeline.
ensureBufferAvailable() - Method in class
Ensure that a buffer for output data is available.
ensureBufferAvailable() - Method in class
ensureBufferAvailable() - Method in class
Ensure that a buffer for output data is available.
environment() - Method in class
Returns the environment.
environment(String, String) - Method in class
Sets a single value in the environment of the process to be created, see StartProcess.environment(Map).
environment(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
Sets the environment for the process to be created.
eof() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.WwwFormUrldecoder
Checks if more input may become available.
eof() - Method in class
Checks if more input may become available.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.ClassChannel
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventChannelsTuple
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.NamedChannel
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.TypedIdKey
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySession
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.Password
error() - Method in class
Returns the cause of the Closed event in case of error.
Error - Class in
This event signals that an error occurred while processing an event.
Error(Event<?>, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event.
Error(Event<?>, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event caused by the given throwable.
Error(Event<?>, Throwable) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event caused by the given throwable.
Error(Error) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event as a copy of an existing event.
ErrorPrinter - Class in org.jgrapes.core.internal
A fallback error printer.
ErrorPrinter() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ErrorPrinter
evaluator() - Element in annotation interface org.jgrapes.core.annotation.HandlerDefinition
Returns the evaluator for the annotated handler annotation.
Evaluator() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.annotation.Handler.Evaluator
Evaluator() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.annotation.RequestHandler.Evaluator
event - Variable in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventChannelsTuple
event() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.CompletionEvent
Return the completed event.
event() - Method in class
Returns the event that was handled when the problem occurred.
Event<T> - Class in org.jgrapes.core
This class is the base class for all events.
Event(Channel...) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Creates a new event.
EventBase<T> - Class in org.jgrapes.core.internal
Provides the implementations of methods to class Event that need access to classes or methods that are visible in the implementation package only.
EventBase() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
EventChannelsTuple - Class in org.jgrapes.core.internal
This class provides a container for an event and an arbitrary number of channels.
EventChannelsTuple(EventBase<?>, Channel[]) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventChannelsTuple
Create a new instance.
EventPipeline - Interface in org.jgrapes.core
An interface that describes a queue of events that are sent to the components of the associated tree.
EventProcessor - Class in org.jgrapes.core.internal
This class provides the default implementation of an EventPipeline.
events() - Element in annotation interface org.jgrapes.core.annotation.Handler
Specifies classes of events that the handler is to receive.
events() - Element in annotation interface org.jgrapes.http.annotation.RequestHandler
Specifies classes of events that the handler is to receive.
excludeSelf() - Element in annotation interface org.jgrapes.core.annotation.Handler
Excludes the handler from channel matching against its component’s default criterion.
execute(ActionEvent<V>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ActionExecutor
Execute the event.
executorService() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.EventPipeline
Returns the executor service used by this event pipeline to obtain its thread.
executorService() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.BufferingEventPipeline
executorService() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventProcessor
executorService() - Method in class
Returns the executor service.
executorService() - Method in class
Returns the executor service.
exitValue() - Method in class
Convenience method to access the exit value without calling Event.get() (which may block).


factories() - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.ComponentProvider
Gets the factories as a map, indexed by component type.
feed(Input<W>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.WwwFormUrldecoder
Calls WwwFormUrldecoder.feed(ManagedBuffer) with the provided event’s buffer.
feed(Input<W>) - Method in interface
Calls InputConsumer.feed(ManagedBuffer) with the provided event’s buffer.
feed(ManagedBuffer<W>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.WwwFormUrldecoder
Feed data to the collector.
feed(ManagedBuffer<W>) - Method in interface
Feed data to the consumer.
feed(ManagedBuffer<W>) - Method in class
Feed data to the collector.
feed(ManagedBuffer<W>) - Method in class
Feed data to the reader.
feed(ManagedBuffer<W>) - Method in class
Feed data to underlying the reader (see {@link ManagedBufferReader#feed).
feed(W) - Method in class
Feed data to the collector.
FileChanged - Class in
Informs about changes of a watched file.
FileChanged(Path, FileChanged.Kind) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new event.
FileChanged.Kind - Enum Class in
The kind of change detected.
FileOpened - Class in
FileOpened(OpenFile) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new event, using the values for path and options from the opening event.
FileOpened(OpenFile, Path, OpenOption...) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new event, overriding the values using the given values for path and options.
FileStorage - Class in
A component that reads from or writes to a file.
FileStorage(Channel) - Constructor for class
Create a new instance using the default buffer size of 8192.
FileStorage(Channel, int) - Constructor for class
Create a new instance using the given size for the read buffers.
FileSystemWatcher - Class in org.jgrapes.util
A component that watches paths in the file system for changes and sends events if such changes occur.
FileSystemWatcher() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.FileSystemWatcher
Creates a new component base with its channel set to itself.
FileSystemWatcher(Channel) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.FileSystemWatcher
Creates a new component base with its channel set to the given channel.
fillFromChannel(ReadableByteChannel) - Method in class
Convenience method to fill the buffer from the channel.
fire(Event<T>, Channel...) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
fire(Event<T>, Channel...) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Fires the given event on the given channel.
fire(T, Channel...) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.EventPipeline
Add an event to be sent to components listening for such events on the given channels to the end of the queue.
firstResultAssigned() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
flatten(Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.util.ConfigurationStore
Configuration information should be kept simple.
flip() - Method in class
flush() - Method in class
Creates and fires a Output event with the buffer being filled if it contains any data.
flush() - Method in class
Creates and fires a Output event with the buffer being filled if it contains any data.
flush(boolean) - Method in class
Creates and fires an Output event with the buffer being filled.
fmSessionModel(Optional<Session>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.freemarker.FreeMarkerRequestHandler
Build a freemarker model holding the information usually found in the session.
folderNames() - Method in class
Returns the watched folders.
folderNames() - Method in class
Returns the folder names.
folders() - Method in class
Returns the folders.
forChannels(Class<C>, BiConsumer<E, C>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Execute the given handler for all channels of the given type.
formCharset(Charset) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.WwwFormUrldecoder
The charset to be used with URLDecoder.decode(String, Charset).
freemarkerConfig() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.freemarker.FreeMarkerRequestHandler
Creates the configuration for freemarker template processing.
FreeMarkerRequestHandler - Class in org.jgrapes.http.freemarker
A base class for components that generate responses to HTTP requests which are based on a FreeMarker template.
FreeMarkerRequestHandler(Channel, ClassLoader, String, URI) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.freemarker.FreeMarkerRequestHandler
Instantiates a new free marker request handler.
FreeMarkerRequestHandler(Channel, HandlerDefinition.ChannelReplacements, ClassLoader, String, URI) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.freemarker.FreeMarkerRequestHandler
Instantiates a new free marker request handler.
from() - Method in class
Gets the from addresses.
from(byte[], boolean) - Static method in class
Convenience method that creates a Output event from a byte[].
from(String, boolean) - Static method in class
Convenience method that creates a Output event from a String.
from(Associator) - Static method in interface org.jgrapes.http.Session
Obtains a Session from an Associator.
fromHttpRequest(HttpRequest, boolean, int) - Static method in class
Creates the appropriate derived request event type from a given HttpRequest.
fromSink(ManagedBuffer<B>, boolean) - Static method in class
Create a new event with the given buffer.
fromSink(ManagedBuffer<B>, boolean) - Static method in class
Create a new event with the given buffer.
fromSource(ManagedBuffer<B>, boolean) - Static method in class
Create a new event with the given buffer.
fromSource(ManagedBuffer<B>, boolean) - Static method in class
Create a new event with the given buffer.
fulfilled() - Method in class
Checks if the request has been processed, i.e.
fullObjectName(Object) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Returns the full name of the object’s class together with an id (see Components.objectId(Object)).


GeneratorRegistry - Class in org.jgrapes.core.internal
A registry for generators.
get() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Waits for the event to be completed (see Event.isDone()) and returns the first (or only) result.
get() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector.Selection
Return the current locale.
get() - Method in class
Returns the ByteBuffer that represents this view (position, mark, limit).
get() - Method in class
Returns the ByteBuffer that represents this view (position, mark, limit).
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Causes the invoking thread to wait until the processing of the event has been completed (see Event.isDone()) or the given timeout has expired and returns the first (or only) result.
get(Map<?, ?>, Class<V>, Serializable) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.TypedIdKey
Retrieves a value with the given type and id from the given map.
Get(URL) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new request.
Get(HttpRequest, boolean, int, Channel...) - Constructor for class
Create a new event.
getAbsoluteTimeout() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager.SessionManagerInfo
getAbsoluteTimeout() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager.SessionManagerMXBean
getAcquireWarningLimit() - Method in interface
Returns the acquire warning limit.
getAllPools() - Method in class
All pools.
getBufferSize() - Method in class
Returns the buffer size.
getBufferSize() - Method in class
The size of the buffers in items.
getChannelCount() - Method in class
getChannelCount() - Method in interface
Gets the channel count.
getChannels() - Method in class
getChannels() - Method in interface
Gets the channels.
getComponentPath() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager.SessionManagerInfo
getComponentPath() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager.SessionManagerMXBean
getComponentPath() - Method in class
getComponentPath() - Method in interface
Gets the component path.
getConnectionLimiter() - Method in class
Returns the connection limiter.
getConnectionsPerServerStatistics() - Method in interface
Gets the connections per server statistics.
getCookie() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector.Selection
Returns a cookie that reflects the current selection.
getCookieMaxAge() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector.Selection
Gets the cookie max age.
getCookieName() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector.Selection
Gets the cookie name.
getCookiePath() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector.Selection
Gets the cookie path.
getCookieSameSite() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector.Selection
Gets the cookie same site.
getCreated() - Method in class
The number of buffers created by this pool.
getCreatedPerPoolStatistics() - Method in interface
Summary information about the created buffers.
getDefaultDrainDelay() - Method in interface
Returns the drain delay in milli seconds.
getDownstreamPool() - Method in class
Gets the downstream pool.
getIdleTimeout() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager.SessionManagerInfo
getIdleTimeout() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager.SessionManagerMXBean
getLastModifiedAt() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport.ResourceInfo
getLine() - Method in class
Gets the next line.
getManagers() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager.SessionManagerSummaryMXBean
Gets the managers.
getMaximum() - Method in class
The maximum number of buffers created by this pool.
getMaxSessions() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager.SessionManagerInfo
getMaxSessions() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager.SessionManagerMXBean
getMinimalPurgeableTime() - Method in class
Gets the minimal purgeable time.
getName() - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.InternetAddressPrincipal
getNonEmptyPools() - Method in class
Pools that have at least managed buffer enqueued (ready to be acquired).
getPath() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager.SessionManagerInfo
getPath() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager.SessionManagerMXBean
getPooled() - Method in class
The number of buffers pooled (ready to be acquired).
getPooledPerPoolStatistics() - Method in interface
Summary information about the pooled buffers.
getPoolInfos() - Method in interface
Informations about the pools.
getPreserved() - Method in class
The number of buffers preserved.
getServers() - Method in interface
Gets the servers.
getSessionCount() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager.SessionManagerInfo
getSessionCount() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager.SessionManagerMXBean
getStore() - Method in class
Returns the store that has been opened.
getUpstreamPool() - Method in class
Gets the upstream pool.
getUsedPools() - Method in class
Pools that have at least one associated buffer (in pool or in use).


HalfClosed - Class in
This event signals that an I/O subchannel has been closed on the other end.
HalfClosed() - Constructor for class
handled() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Invoked after all handlers for the event have been executed.
handled() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
handled() - Method in class
handleOps(int) - Method in interface
Invoked by the NioDispatcher when operations are pending.
handleOps(int) - Method in class
handleOps(int) - Method in class
handler() - Method in class
Handler - Annotation Interface in org.jgrapes.core.annotation
This is the basic, general purpose handler annotation provided as part of the core package.
Handler.Evaluator - Class in org.jgrapes.core.annotation
This class provides the Handler.Evaluator for the Handler annotation provided by the core package.
Handler.NoChannel - Class in org.jgrapes.core.annotation
The default value for the channels parameter of the annotation.
Handler.NoEvent - Class in org.jgrapes.core.annotation
The default value for the events parameter of the annotation.
HandlerDefinition - Annotation Interface in org.jgrapes.core.annotation
This annotation tags some other annotation as a handler annotation.
HandlerDefinition.ChannelReplacements - Class in org.jgrapes.core.annotation
Represents channel (criteria) replacements that are to be applied to channels elements of Handler annotations.
HandlerDefinition.Evaluator - Interface in org.jgrapes.core.annotation
This interface allows access to the properties defined by arbitrary handler annotations in a uniform way.
HandlerScope - Interface in org.jgrapes.core
This interface allows to verify whether a given event fired on one of the given channels is handled by a handler.
handlingError(EventPipeline, Throwable) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Implements the default behavior for handling events thrown by a handler.
handlingError(EventPipeline, Throwable) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
Invoked when an exception occurs while invoking a handler for an event.
HandlingError - Class in
This event signals that a throwable occurred while executing a handler.
HandlingError(Event<?>, Throwable) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event caused by the given throwable.
HandlingError(HandlingError) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event as a copy of an existing event.
hasArray() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.ClassChannel
hashCode() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventChannelsTuple
hashCode() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.NamedChannel
hashCode() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.TypedIdKey
hashCode() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySession
hashCode() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern
hashCode() - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.Password
Passwords shouldn’t be used in sets or as keys.
hasRemaining() - Method in class
hasRemaining() - Method in class
hasTimedOut(Session) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Checks if the absolute or idle timeout has been reached.
Head(URL) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new request.
Head(HttpRequest, boolean, int, Channel...) - Constructor for class
Create a new event.
headers() - Method in class
Return the headers.
host() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern
HostUnresolved - Class in
Indicates that a host name could not be resolved.
HostUnresolved(Event<?>, String) - Constructor for class
HostUnresolved(HostUnresolved) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event as a copy of an existing event.
HttpConnected - Class in
Signals that a HTTP connection for a HttpRequest has been established.
HttpConnected(Request.Out, SocketAddress, SocketAddress) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new event.
HttpConnector - Class in org.jgrapes.http
A converter component that receives and sends web application layer messages and byte buffers on associated network channels.
HttpConnector(Channel, Channel) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.HttpConnector
Create a new connector that uses the networkChannel for network level I/O.
HttpConnector(Channel, Channel, Channel) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.HttpConnector
Create a new connector that uses the networkChannel for network level I/O.
httpRequest() - Method in class
Returns the “raw” request as provided by the HTTP decoder.
httpRequest() - Method in class
The HTTP request that will be sent by the event.
HttpRequestHandlerFactory - Interface in org.jgrapes.http
A component factory that creates components with at least one handler for Request events.
HttpServer - Class in org.jgrapes.http
A converter component that receives and sends byte buffers on a network channel and web application layer messages on IOSubchannels of its channel.
HttpServer(Channel, InetSocketAddress, Class<? extends Request.In>...) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
Create a new server that creates its own SocketServer with the given address and uses it for network level I/O.
HttpServer(Channel, Channel, Class<? extends Request.In>...) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
Create a new server that uses the networkChannel for network level I/O.
hub() - Method in class
Returns the component that manages this channel.


id() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySession
Returns the session id.
id() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.http.Session
Returns the session id.
idleTimeout() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
idName() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
The name used for the session id cookie.
idObject() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Components.IdInfoProvider
Returns the object to be used for generating the id.
idScope() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Components.IdInfoProvider
Returns the scope.
idScope() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.EventPipeline
All pipelines use the same id scope to make them uniquely identifiable by their number.
idScope() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.BufferingEventPipeline
All pipelines use the same id scope to make them uniquely identifiable by their number.
idScope() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventProcessor
All pipelines use the same id scope to make them uniquely identifiable by their number.
In(String, HttpRequest, int, Channel...) - Constructor for class
Creates a new request event with the associated Request.In.Completed event.
includes(Eligible, Eligible[]) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.HandlerScope
Matches the given event and channels against the criteria for events and channels of this handler scope.
includes(Eligible, Eligible[]) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.annotation.RequestHandler.Evaluator.Scope
includes(EventBase<?>) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.InvocationFilter
Matches the given event against the criteria for events, taking properties into account that were left out by HandlerScope.includes(Eligible, Eligible[]).
includes(EventBase<?>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.annotation.RequestHandler.Evaluator.Scope
initComponentsHandlers() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
Initialize the handler list of this component.
initialChannels - Variable in class org.jgrapes.util.NightConfigStore
InitialConfiguration - Class in
A special ConfigurationUpdate event that is used for reporting the configuration on startup.
InitialConfiguration() - Constructor for class
InitialPreferences - Class in
A special ConfigurationUpdate event that is used by the PreferencesStore for reporting the configuration on startup.
InitialPreferences(String) - Constructor for class
Create a new event.
InMemorySession - Class in org.jgrapes.http
Implements the Session interface using a ConcurrentHashMap.
InMemorySession(String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySession
Create a new session.
InMemorySessionManager - Class in org.jgrapes.http
A in memory session manager.
InMemorySessionManager() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySessionManager
Creates a new session manager with its channel set to itself and the path set to “/”.
InMemorySessionManager(String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySessionManager
Creates a new session manager with its channel set to itself and the path set to the given path.
InMemorySessionManager(Channel) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySessionManager
Creates a new session manager with its channel set to the given channel, the path to “/” and the handler’s priority to 1000.
InMemorySessionManager(Channel, String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySessionManager
Creates a new session manager with the given channel and path.
InMemorySessionManager(Channel, String, int, String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySessionManager
Creates a new session manager using the given channel and path.
Input<T> - Class in
This event signals that a new chunk of data has successfully been obtained from some source.
InputConsumer - Interface in
May be implemented by classes that can consume input events to support generic usage.
InputStreamMonitor - Class in
A component that watches for new input on an InputStream.
InputStreamMonitor(Channel, InputStream) - Constructor for class
Creates a new input stream monitor with its channel set to the given channel.
InputStreamMonitor(Channel, InputStream, Channel) - Constructor for class
Creates a new input stream monitor with its channel set to the given channel.
InputStreamPipeline - Class in
Forwards the content of an input stream as a sequence of Output (or optionally Input) events.
InputStreamPipeline(InputStream, IOSubchannel) - Constructor for class
Creates a new pipeline that sends the data from the given input stream as events on the given channel, using the channel’s response pipeline.
InputStreamPipeline(InputStream, IOSubchannel, EventPipeline) - Constructor for class
Creates a new pipeline that sends the data from the given input stream as events on the given channel, using the given event pipeline.
instance() - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.GeneratorRegistry
Returns the singleton instance of the registry.
InternalEventPipelineWrapper - Interface in org.jgrapes.core.internal
Must be implemented by classes that implement EventPipeline.
InternetAddressPrincipal - Class in org.jgrapes.mail
A variant of InternetAddress that can be used as a Principal.
InternetAddressPrincipal() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.mail.InternetAddressPrincipal
InternetAddressPrincipal(String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.mail.InternetAddressPrincipal
See {@link InternetAddress#InternetAddress(String)))}.
InternetAddressPrincipal(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.mail.InternetAddressPrincipal
See {@link InternetAddress#InternetAddress(String, boolean))}.
InternetAddressPrincipal(String, String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.mail.InternetAddressPrincipal
See {@link InternetAddress#InternetAddress(String, String)))}.
InternetAddressPrincipal(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.mail.InternetAddressPrincipal
See {@link InternetAddress#InternetAddress(String, String, String)))}.
InvocationFilter - Interface in org.jgrapes.core
Some HandlerScope implementations use only a subset of the properties of the events passed to HandlerScope.includes(Eligible, Eligible[]) for evaluating the result.
invokedFor - Variable in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
Temporarily set when invoking a handler, only to be used by EventBase.handlingError(EventPipeline, Throwable).
ioChannel() - Method in class
IOError - Class in
A special kind of Error that signals I/O related problems.
IOError(Event<?>, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
IOError(Event<?>, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
IOError(Event<?>, Throwable) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
IOError(IOError) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event as a copy of an existing event.
IOEvent<T> - Class in
Events of this type signal that a new chunk of data is available for processing.
IOEvent(ManagedBuffer<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new IO event.
IOSubchannel - Interface in
Represents a subchannel for grouping input and output events related to an I/O resource such as an opened file or a network connection.
IOSubchannel.DefaultIOSubchannel - Class in
A simple implementation of IOSubchannel.
isCancelled() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
isDirect() - Method in class
isDirectory - Variable in class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport.ResourceInfo
isDirectory() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport.ResourceInfo
isDone() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Check if this event has completed.
isEligibleFor(Object) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Channel
By default, a channel is eligible for a broadcast and for its own default criterion (see Eligible.defaultCriterion().
isEligibleFor(Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.ClassChannel
Returns true if the value is the same class or a base class of this channel’s class.
isEligibleFor(Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Component
Matches the object itself (using identity comparison) or the Channel class.
isEligibleFor(Object) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Eligible
Returns true if this Eligible is met by the provided criterion.
isEligibleFor(Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Returns true if the criterion is of the same class or a base class of this event’s class.
isEligibleFor(Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ActionEvent
isEligibleFor(Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentProxy
Matches the object itself (using identity comparison) or the Channel class.
isEligibleFor(Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.NamedChannel
Returns true if the value matches the name of this channel or is the broadcast channel’s value.
isEligibleFor(Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.NamedEvent
Returns true if the criterion is Event.class (representing “any event”) or if the criterion is a String equal to this event’s kind (the String passed to the constructor).
isEligibleFor(Object) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Subchannel
Delegates to main channel.
isEligibleFor(Object) - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components.PoolingIndex
Checks if the index is empty.
isEndOfRecord() - Method in class
Return the end of record flag passed to the constructor.
isExhausted() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.GeneratorRegistry
Checks if is exhausted (no generators left)
isExplicitlySet() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector.Selection
Checks if is explicitly set.
isNode(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.NightConfigStore
Checks if the name is an entry for a node.
isPurgeable() - Method in class
Checks if is purgeable.
isPurgeable() - Method in interface
Checks if the connection is purgeable.
isPurgeable() - Method in class
Checks if is purgeable.
isReadOnly() - Method in class
isSecure() - Method in class
isStopped() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Returns true if Event.stop() has been called.
isStopped() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
isTracked() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
Whether the event (and all events generated when handling it) is tracked.
iterator() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
iterator() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Returns an iterator that visits the components of the component subtree that has this node as root.


JsonConfigurationStore - Class in org.jgrapes.util
This component provides a store for an application’s configuration backed by a JSON file.
JsonConfigurationStore(Channel, File) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.JsonConfigurationStore
Creates a new component with its channel set to the given channel and the given file.
JsonConfigurationStore(Channel, File, boolean) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.JsonConfigurationStore
Creates a new component with its channel set to the given channel and the given file.
JsonConfigurationStore(Channel, File, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.JsonConfigurationStore
Creates a new component with its channel set to the given channel and the given file.
JsonParsingError - Class in
Signals an error that occurred while parsing JSON.
JsonParsingError(Throwable) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new JSON parsing error.
JsonReader - Class in
A ManagedBufferStreamer that feeds the data to a JSON parser.
JsonReader(ObjectMapper, Class<R>, EventPipeline, Channel) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new JSON reader.
JsonReader(Class<R>, EventPipeline, Channel) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new JSON reader that uses a default object mapper.


key() - Method in class
keySet() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components.PoolingIndex
Returns all keys.
keysSize() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components.PoolingIndex
Returns the number of keys in the index.
KeyValueStoreData - Class in
Defines an optional completion event for a KeyValueStoreQuery.
KeyValueStoreData(KeyValueStoreQuery, Channel...) - Constructor for class
KeyValueStoreQuery - Class in
A query event for a key/value store.
KeyValueStoreQuery(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event that queries using the given key.
KeyValueStoreQuery(String, Channel) - Constructor for class
Convenience constructor for creating a new event with a completion event of type KeyValueStoreData that is fired on the given channel.
KeyValueStoreUpdate - Class in
An event that triggers updates or deletions in a key/value store.
KeyValueStoreUpdate() - Constructor for class
KeyValueStoreUpdate.Action - Class in
The base class for all actions.
KeyValueStoreUpdate.Deletion - Class in
A key (and value) deletion.
KeyValueStoreUpdate.Update - Class in
A value update.


LanguageSelector - Class in org.jgrapes.http
A component that attempts to derive information about language preferences from requests in the specified scope (usually “/”) and make them available as a LanguageSelector.Selection object associated with the request event using Selection.class as association identifier.
LanguageSelector() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector
Creates a new language selector component with its channel set to itself and the scope set to “/”.
LanguageSelector(String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector
Creates a new language selector component with its channel set to itself and the scope set to the given value.
LanguageSelector(Channel) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector
Creates a new language selector component with its channel set to the given channel and the scope to “/”.
LanguageSelector(Channel, String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector
Creates a new language selector component with its channel set to the given channel and the scope to the given scope.
LanguageSelector(Channel, String, int) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector
Creates a new language selector component with its channel set to the given channel and the scope to the given scope.
LanguageSelector.Selection - Class in org.jgrapes.http
Represents a locale selection.
lastModifiedAt - Variable in class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport.ResourceInfo
lastUsedAt() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySession
Returns the last used (referenced in request) time stamp.
lastUsedAt() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.http.Session
Returns the last used (referenced in request) time stamp.
limit() - Method in class
limit(int) - Method in class
LineCollector - Class in
Collects character data from buffers and makes it available as complete lines.
LineCollector() - Constructor for class
linkBackingBuffer(ManagedBuffer<T>) - Method in class
Links this instance’s backing buffer (temporarily) to the given buffer’s backing buffer.
LinkedIOSubchannel - Class in
Provides an I/O subchannel that is linked to another I/O subchannel.
LinkedIOSubchannel(Manager, Channel, IOSubchannel, EventPipeline) - Constructor for class
Creates a new LinkedIOSubchannel for a given main channel that links to the give I/O subchannel.
LinkedIOSubchannel(Manager, Channel, IOSubchannel, EventPipeline, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new LinkedIOSubchannel for a given main channel that links to a given I/O subchannel.
listenAddress() - Method in class
The address that the server has bound to.
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in class
localAddress() - Method in interface
Returns the local address.
locale() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.http.Session
Convenience method for retrieving the locale set by LanguageSelector from the session.
lockBuffer() - Method in class
Increases the buffer’s lock count.
logger - Variable in class org.jgrapes.core.Component
logger - Variable in class
logger - Static variable in class org.jgrapes.util.FileSystemWatcher
logger - Static variable in class org.jgrapes.util.NightConfigStore
lookupSession(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySessionManager
lookupSession(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Lookup the session with the given id.


MailChannel - Interface in org.jgrapes.mail
A special sub channel used for sending and receiving mail.
MailConnectionManager<C,O> - Class in org.jgrapes.mail
Provides a base class for mail components using connections.
MailConnectionManager(Channel) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.mail.MailConnectionManager
Creates a new server using the given channel.
MailConnectionManager.AbstractMailChannel - Class in org.jgrapes.mail
A sub-channel for mail connections.
MailFoldersUpdated - Class in
Signals the retrieval of mails (update) by a MailMonitor.
MailFoldersUpdated(List<Folder>, List<Message>) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new event.
MailMonitor - Class in org.jgrapes.mail
A component that opens mail stores and monitors mail folders for mails.
MailMonitor(Channel) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.mail.MailMonitor
Creates a new server using the given channel.
MailMonitor.MonitorChannel - Class in org.jgrapes.mail
The specific implementation of the MailChannel.
MailMonitorOpened - Class in
Fired when the requested connection has been established.
MailMonitorOpened(OpenMailMonitor, Store) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new mail monitor opened.
mailProperties() - Method in class
Returns the mail properties.
mailProps - Variable in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailConnectionManager
MailSender - Class in org.jgrapes.mail
A component that sends mail using a system wide or user specific connection.
MailSender(Channel) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.mail.MailSender
Creates a new component base with its channel set to the given channel.
MailSender.SenderChannel - Class in org.jgrapes.mail
The specific implementation of the MailChannel.
mainChannel() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Subchannel.DefaultSubchannel
mainChannel() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Subchannel
Returns the main channel.
managedBuffer() - Method in class
Returns the managed buffer that this reader is a view of.
managedBuffer() - Method in class
Returns the managed buffer that this reader is a view of.
ManagedBuffer<T> - Class in
A wrapper around a Buffer that maintains a lock count for that buffer.
ManagedBuffer(T, BufferCollector<ManagedBuffer<T>>) - Constructor for class
Create a new Managed buffer, backed by the given buffer, with a lock count of one.
ManagedBuffer.ByteBufferView - Class in
A read-only view of the managed buffer’s content (backing buffer) and a reference to the managed buffer.
ManagedBuffer.CharBufferView - Class in
A read-only view of the managed buffer’s content (backing buffer) and a reference to the managed buffer.
ManagedBufferPool<W,T> - Class in
A queue based buffer pool.
ManagedBufferPool(BiFunction<T, BufferCollector<W>, W>, Supplier<T>, int) - Constructor for class
Create a pool that keeps up to the given number of (wrapped) buffers in the pool and also uses that number as upper limit.
ManagedBufferPool(BiFunction<T, BufferCollector<W>, W>, Supplier<T>, int, int) - Constructor for class
Create a pool that contains a varying number of (wrapped) buffers.
ManagedBufferPool.ManagedBufferPoolMXBean - Interface in
An MBean interface for getting information about the managed buffer pools.
ManagedBufferPool.ManagedBufferPoolMXBean.PoolInfo - Class in
Information about a single managed pool.
ManagedBufferPool.ManagedBufferPoolMXBean.PoolInfos - Class in
Three views on the existing pool.
ManagedBufferReader - Class in
A Reader that provides the data from the ManagedBuffers fed to it to a consumer.
ManagedBufferReader() - Constructor for class
ManagedBufferStreamer - Class in
Starts a thread with a synchronous consumer of input provided by a Reader which is fed with data from ManagedBuffers (usually obtained from Input events).
ManagedBufferStreamer(Consumer<Reader>) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new managed buffer streamer.
manager() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager.SessionManagerInfo
Returns the session manager.
manager() - Method in class
Return the buffer’s manager.
manager(ComponentType) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Returns a component’s manager.
manager(ComponentType, Channel) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Returns a component’s manager like Components.manager(ComponentType).
Manager - Interface in org.jgrapes.core
The interface that provides the methods for manipulating the component and the component’s hierarchy and for firing events.
mapOf() - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
mapOf(K, V) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
mapOf(K, V, K, V) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
mapOf(K, V, K, V, K, V) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
mapOf(K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
mapOf(K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
mapOf(K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
mapOf(K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
mapOf(K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
mapOf(K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
mapOf(K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V, K, V) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
mark() - Method in class
matches(String, URI) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern
Matches the given pattern against the given resource URI.
matches(String, URI, int) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern
Matches the given pattern against the given resource URI, comparing at most the given number of path segments.
matches(URI) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern
Matches the given resource URI against the pattern.
matches(URI, int) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern
Matches the given resource URI against the pattern, comparing at most the given number of path segments.
matchLevels() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
maxAge(HttpRequest, MediaType) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport.DefaultMaxAgeCalculator
maxAge(HttpRequest, MediaType) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport.MaxAgeCalculator
Calculate a max age value for a response using the given request and the media type of the repsonse.
maxAgeCalculator() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.freemarker.FreeMarkerRequestHandler
maxAgeCalculator() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.StaticContentDispatcher
maxIdleTime() - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailMonitor
Returns the max idle time.
maxIdleTime() - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailSender
Returns the max idle time.
maxSessions() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
merge(InternalEventPipeline) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.BufferingEventPipeline
merge(InternalEventPipeline) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventProcessor
mergeValue(Map<?, ?>, String, Object) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.util.ConfigurationStore
Similar to ConfigurationStore.structure(Map) but merges only a single value into an existing map.
message() - Method in class
Returns the message passed to the constructor.
MessageReceived<T> - Class in
Base class for events that signal the reception of a message.
MessageReceived(Channel...) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new message.
messages(Folder) - Static method in class
Return all messages (which are not deleted) from the folder.
messages(Folder, int) - Static method in class
Return all (or max) messages (which are not deleted) from the folder, starting with the newest message.
MODIFIED - Enum constant in enum class
MonitorChannel(OpenMailMonitor, Channel, Store, String, Password) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.mail.MailMonitor.MonitorChannel
Instantiates a new monitor channel.


name - Variable in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ActionEvent
name() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
name() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Returns the (optional) name of the component.
name() - Method in class
Returns the name of this pool.
namedChannel() - Element in annotation interface org.jgrapes.core.annotation.ComponentManager
Specifies the channel to be associated with the component type instance as a NamedChannel’s key (a String).
NamedChannel - Class in org.jgrapes.core
This class provides channels that are identified by a name (string).
NamedChannel(String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.NamedChannel
Creates a new named channel with the given name.
namedChannels() - Element in annotation interface org.jgrapes.core.annotation.Handler
Specifies names of NamedChannels that the handler listens on.
NamedEvent<T> - Class in org.jgrapes.core
A class for events using a simple name as the event’s kind.
NamedEvent(String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.NamedEvent
Creates a new named event with the given name.
namedEvents() - Element in annotation interface org.jgrapes.core.annotation.Handler
Specifies names of NamedEvents that the handler is to receive.
nativeCharset() - Method in class
Sets the charset to be used for converting the written data to bytes to the charset specified as system property native.encoding.
nativeCharset() - Method in class
Sets the charset to be used if LineCollector.feed(ManagedBuffer) is invoked with ManagedBuffer<ByteBuffer> to the charset specified as system property native.encoding.
nativeCharset() - Method in class
Sets the charset to be used if ManagedBufferReader.feed(ManagedBuffer) is invoked with ManagedBuffer<ByteBuffer> to the charset specified as system property native.encoding.
newByteBufferView() - Method in class
Creates a new ByteBuffer view.
newCharBufferView() - Method in class
Creates a new CharBuffer view.
newEventPipeline() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
newEventPipeline() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Return a new EventPipeline that processes the added events using a thread from a thread pool.
newEventPipeline(ExecutorService) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
newEventPipeline(ExecutorService) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Return a new EventPipeline that processes the added events using threads from the given executor service.
newEventsParent - Static variable in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventProcessor
newMessages() - Method in class
Return the new messages.
NightConfigStore - Class in org.jgrapes.util
A base class for configuration stored based on the night config library.
NightConfigStore(Channel, File) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.NightConfigStore
NightConfigStore(Channel, File, boolean) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.NightConfigStore
NightConfigStore(Channel, File, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.NightConfigStore
Creates a new component with its channel set to the given channel and the given file.
nioChannel() - Method in class
Gets the nio channel.
NioDispatcher - Class in
A helper component that provides the central hub for non blocking I/O components.
NioDispatcher() - Constructor for class
Creates a new Dispatcher.
NioDispatcher.Registration - Class in
Represents a NIO registration.
NioHandler - Interface in
Defines the contract between a component using non blocking I/O and the NioDispatcher.
NioRegistration - Class in
Signal a registration request to a registry.
NioRegistration(NioHandler, SelectableChannel, int, Channel) - Constructor for class
Creates a new registration event for the given handler, using the given NIO channel and handling the given operations.
NioRegistration.Completed - Class in
The completion event for a NioRegistration event.
NioRegistration.Registration - Class in
Passed during registration.
NoChannel() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.annotation.Handler.NoChannel
node() - Method in class
Return the node that has been attached.
node() - Method in class
NoEvent() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.annotation.Handler.NoEvent
NOOP_COLLECTOR - Static variable in interface
A predefined buffer collector that does nothing when the managed buffer is no longer used.
noopCollector() - Static method in interface
A type-safe way to get the BufferCollector.NOOP_COLLECTOR.
notification(StoreEvent) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailMonitor.MonitorChannel
NUMBER - Static variable in class org.jgrapes.util.ConfigurationStore


objectId(Object) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Returns an id of the object that is unique within a specific scope.
objectName(Object) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Returns the name of the object’s class together with an id (see Components.objectId(Object)).
onAccepted(Accepted, IOSubchannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
Creates a new downstream connection as LinkedIOSubchannel of the network connection, a HttpRequestDecoder and a HttpResponseEncoder.
onAccepted(Accepted, IOSubchannel) - Method in class
Creates a new downstream connection as LinkedIOSubchannel of the network connection together with an SSLEngine.
onClose(Close) - Method in class
Closes the output to the process (the process’s stdin).
onClose(Close) - Method in class
Shuts down the one of the connections.
onClose(Close) - Method in class
Shuts down the server or one of the connections to the server.
onClose(Close, C) - Method in class
Closes the given connection.
onClose(Close, Channel) - Method in class
Handle close by closing the file associated with the channel.
onClose(Close, HttpConnector.WebAppMsgChannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpConnector
Handles a close event from the application channel.
onClose(Close, HttpServer.WebAppMsgChannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
Handles a close event from downstream by closing the upstream connections.
onClose(Close, SslCodec.PlainChannel) - Method in class
Forwards a close event upstream.
onClosed(Closed<?>) - Method in class
Handles closed events from stdout and stderr.
onClosed(Closed<?>, IOSubchannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
Forwards a Closed event to the application channel.
onClosed(Closed<?>, SocketIOChannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpConnector
Called when the network connection is closed.
onClosed(Closed<Void>, IOSubchannel) - Method in class
Handles a close event from the encrypted channel (client).
onCompletion(E, Consumer<E>) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
Invokes the consumer when the event is completed.
onConfigUpdate(ConfigurationUpdate) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailConnectionManager
Configure the component.
onConfigurationUpdate(ConfigurationUpdate) - Method in class
The component can be configured with events that include a path (see @link paths()) that matches this components path (see Manager.componentPath()).
onConfigurationUpdate(ConfigurationUpdate) - Method in class
The component can be configured with events that include a path (see @link paths()) that matches this components path (see Manager.componentPath()).
onConfigurationUpdate(ConfigurationUpdate) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.ComponentProvider
Uses the information from the event to configure the provided components.
onConfigurationUpdate(ConfigurationUpdate) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.NightConfigStore
Merges and saves configuration updates.
onConfigurationUpdate(ConfigurationUpdate) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.PreferencesStore
Merges and saves configuration updates.
onConnected(ClientConnected, IOSubchannel) - Method in class
Creates a new downstream connection as LinkedIOSubchannel of the network connection together with an SSLEngine.
onConnected(ClientConnected, SocketIOChannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpConnector
Called when the network connection is established.
onDiscard(DiscardSession) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Discards the given session.
onFileChanged(FileChanged) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.NightConfigStore
If watching the configuration file is enabled, fire a ConfigurationUpdate event with the complete configuration when the file changes.
onGet(Request.In.Get, IOSubchannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.StaticContentDispatcher
Handles a GET request.
onHalfClosed(HalfClosed, IOSubchannel) - Method in class
Handles a half close event from the encrypted channel (client).
onInput(Input<ByteBuffer>, Channel) - Method in class
Handle input by writing it to the file, if a channel exists.
onInput(Input<ByteBuffer>, IOSubchannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
Handles data from the client (from upstream).
onInput(Input<ByteBuffer>, IOSubchannel) - Method in class
Handles encrypted data from upstream (the network).
onInput(Input<ByteBuffer>, SocketIOChannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpConnector
Processes any input from the network layer.
onIoError(IOError) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpConnector
Handles I/O error events from the network layer.
onIOError(IOError) - Method in class
Handles an IOError event from the encrypted channel (client) by sending it downstream.
onMessage(SendMailMessage, Channel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailSender
Sends the message as specified by the event.
onNioRegistration(NioRegistration) - Method in class
Handle the NIO registration.
onOpenConnection(OpenSocketConnection) - Method in class
Opens a connection to the end point specified in the event.
onOpenConnection(OpenSocketConnection) - Method in class
Forward the connection request to the encrypted network.
onOpenMailMonitor(OpenMailMonitor, Channel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailMonitor
Open a store as specified by the event and monitor the folders (also specified by the event).
onOpenMailSender(OpenMailSender, Channel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailSender
Open a connection for sending mail as specified by the event.
onOptions(Request.In.Options, IOSubchannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
Provides a fallback handler for an OPTIONS request with asterisk.
onOutput(Output<?>, HttpConnector.WebAppMsgChannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpConnector
Handles output from the application.
onOutput(Output<?>, HttpServer.WebAppMsgChannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
Receives the message body of a response.
onOutput(Output<ByteBuffer>, Channel) - Method in class
Handle Output events by writing them to the file, if a channel exists.
onOutput(Output<ByteBuffer>, ProcessManager.ProcessChannel) - Method in class
Writes the data passed in the event.
onOutput(Output<ByteBuffer>, SocketConnectionManager.SocketChannelImpl) - Method in class
Writes the data passed in the event.
onOutput(Output<ByteBuffer>, SslCodec.PlainChannel) - Method in class
Sends plain data through the engine and then upstream.
onProtocolSwitchAccepted(ProtocolSwitchAccepted, HttpServer.WebAppMsgChannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
Send the response indicating that the protocol switch was accepted and causes subsequent data to be handled as Input and Output events on the channel.
onProtocolSwitchAccepted(ProtocolSwitchAccepted, IOSubchannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector
Handles a procotol switch by associating the language selection with the channel.
onProtocolSwitchAccepted(ProtocolSwitchAccepted, IOSubchannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Associates the channel with a Supplier<Optional<Session>> for the session.
onPurge(Purge, IOSubchannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
Forwards a Purge event to the application channel.
onPurge(Purge, IOSubchannel) - Method in class
Handles a Purge event by sending a Close event.
onPurge(Purge, IOSubchannel) - Method in class
Forwards a Purge event downstream.
onRegistered(NioRegistration.Completed) - Method in class
Called when the new socket channel has successfully been registered with the nio dispatcher.
onRegistered(NioRegistration.Completed) - Method in class
Handles the successful channel registration.
onRequest(Request.In) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector
Associates the event with a LanguageSelector.Selection object using Selection.class as association identifier.
onRequest(Request.In) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Associates the event with a Session object using Session.class as association identifier.
onRequest(Request.Out) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpConnector
Starts the processing of a request from the application layer.
onRequestCompleted(Request.In.Completed, IOSubchannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
Checks whether the request has been handled (value of Request event set to true) or the status code in the prepared response is no longer “Not Implemented”.
onResponse(Response, HttpServer.WebAppMsgChannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
Handles a response event from downstream by sending it through an HttpResponseEncoder that generates the data (encoded information) and sends it upstream with Output events.
onSaveInput(SaveInput) - Method in class
Opens a file for writing using the properties of the event.
onSaveOutput(SaveOutput) - Method in class
Opens a file for writing using the properties of the event.
onStart(Start) - Method in class
Starts a thread that continuously reads available data from the input stream.
onStart(Start) - Method in class
Starts this dispatcher.
onStart(Start) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailSender
Start the component.
onStart(Start) - Method in class
Starts the server.
onStart(Start) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.NightConfigStore
Intercepts the Start event and fires a ConfigurationUpdate event.
onStart(Start) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.PreferencesStore
Intercepts the Start event and fires a ConfigurationUpdate event.
onStartProcess(StartProcess) - Method in class
Start a new process using the data from the event.
onStop(Stop) - Method in class
Handle stop by closing all files.
onStop(Stop) - Method in class
Stops the thread that reads data from the input stream.
onStop(Stop) - Method in class
Stops the thread that is associated with this dispatcher.
onStop(Stop) - Method in class
Stop all running processes.
onStop(Stop) - Method in class
Closes all connections.
onStop(Stop) - Method in class
Shuts down the server by firing a Close using the server as channel.
onStreamFile(StreamFile) - Method in class
Opens a file for reading using the properties of the event and streams its content as a sequence of Output events with the end of record flag set in the last event.
onUpdateFolders(UpdateMailFolders) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailMonitor.MonitorChannel
Retrieve the new messages from the folders specified in the event.
onUpdateFolders(UpdateMailFolders, MailChannel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailMonitor
Retrieves the folders specified in the event.
onWatchFile(WatchFile, Channel) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.FileSystemWatcher
Register a path to wath.
opened(ConnectionEvent) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailMonitor.MonitorChannel
Callback from store.connect is the connection is successful.
Opened<T> - Class in
This event signals that an I/O resource has successfully been opened (usually in response to some …Open event).
Opened() - Constructor for class
openEvent() - Method in class
Returns the event that caused the file to be opened.
openEvent() - Method in class
Returns the event that caused this connection to be established.
openEvent() - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailConnectionManager.AbstractMailChannel
Returns the event that caused this connection to be opened.
openEvent() - Method in class
Returns the event that caused this connection to be established.
openEvent() - Method in class
Returns the event that caused this connection to be opened.
OpenFile - Class in
A base class for events that cause a file to be opened.
OpenFile(Path, OpenOption...) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
Opening<T> - Class in
This event is fired on IOSubchannels that are created by provider components before their first usage for Input or Output events.
Opening() - Constructor for class
OpenMailConnection - Class in
Common base class for events that open a mail connection for sending or receiving mail.
OpenMailConnection() - Constructor for class
OpenMailMonitor - Class in
An event that opens folders on the store defined by the base class for monitoring.
OpenMailMonitor(String...) - Constructor for class
Creates a new monitor connection (see OpenMailConnection) that sends events related to watching the specified folders.
OpenMailSender - Class in
Fired to open a connection for sending mails.
OpenMailSender() - Constructor for class
OpenSocketConnection - Class in
OpenSocketConnection(InetAddress, int) - Constructor for class
Signals that a new TCP connection should be opened.
OpenSocketConnection(SocketAddress) - Constructor for class
Signals that a new socket connection should be opened.
ops() - Method in class
options() - Method in class
options() - Method in class
Returns the event’s options.
Options(URL) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new request.
Options(HttpRequest, boolean, int, Channel...) - Constructor for class
Create a new event.
org.jgrapes.core - package org.jgrapes.core
Defines the interfaces and classes that provide the core functionality of the JGrapes event driven component framework.
org.jgrapes.core.annotation - package org.jgrapes.core.annotation
Annotations used by the library. - package
Core events.
org.jgrapes.core.internal - package org.jgrapes.core.internal
Classes implementing the public API of the library.
org.jgrapes.http - package org.jgrapes.http
Provides components for building a HTTP server based on the core and IO components.
org.jgrapes.http.annotation - package org.jgrapes.http.annotation
Adds a special annotation for methods that handle HTTP request events. - package
Provides the events handled by the server components.
org.jgrapes.http.freemarker - package org.jgrapes.http.freemarker
Provides a base component for generating template based responses to HTTP requests. - package
I/O related components built on top of the core package. - package
Provides the events used by the I/O related components. - package
Classes for managing processes. - package
Utility classes, mainly for adapted buffers to specific needs. - package
Events associated with classes from
org.jgrapes.mail - package org.jgrapes.mail
Components for handling mail. - package
Mail related events. - package
Networking related I/O classes. - package
org.jgrapes.util - package org.jgrapes.util
Utility components that are too small to deserve individual libraries/projects. - package
Out(String, URL) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new request.
Output<T> - Class in
This event signals that a new chunk of internally generated data is to be forwarded to some destination.
Output(Output<T>) - Constructor for class
Create a new event from an existing event.
OutputSupplier - Interface in
May be used to associate (pending) Output events with another event.
overrideRestriction() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.EventPipeline
Overrides any restriction set by EventPipeline.restrictEventSource(EventPipeline) for the next, Channel...) invocation from the calling thread.


parent() - Method in class
Return the parent component.
parent() - Method in class
parent() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
parent() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Returns the parent of the component managed by this manager.
password() - Method in class
Returns the password.
password() - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailConnectionManager
Return the password.
password() - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.Password
Returns the stored password.
Password - Class in org.jgrapes.util
Stores a password in such a way that it can be cleared.
Password(char[]) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.Password
Instantiates a new password representation.
path() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern
path() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Returns the path.
path() - Method in class
path() - Method in class
Return’s the event’s path.
path() - Method in class
Return’s the event’s path.
path() - Method in class
Return’s the event’s path.
pathRemainder(URI) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern
If the URI matches, returns the path without prefix as specified by the matched pattern (see ResourcePattern.split(String, int)).
paths() - Method in class
Return all paths affected by this event.
PathSpliterator(String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern.PathSpliterator
Creates a new spliterator for the given path, using “/” as path separator.
PathSpliterator(String, String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern.PathSpliterator
Creates a new spliterator for the given path, using the characters from delimiters as seperators.
pattern() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern
patterns() - Element in annotation interface org.jgrapes.http.annotation.RequestHandler
Specifies the patterns that the handler is supposed to handle (see ResourcePattern).
PermitsPool - Class in
A class that manages a set of permits and notifies listeners about changes of availability.
PermitsPool(int) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new permits pool.
pinned() - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.ComponentProvider
Gets the pinned configurations.
poll(K) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components.PoolingIndex
Retrives and removes an item from the pool associated with the key.
PoolInfo(int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new pool info.
PoolInfos(Set<ManagedBufferPool<?, ?>>) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new pool infos.
PoolingIndex() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.core.Components.PoolingIndex
port() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern
position() - Method in class
position(int) - Method in class
Post(URL) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new request.
Post(HttpRequest, boolean, int, Channel...) - Constructor for class
Create a new event.
prefer(Locale) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector.Selection
Updates the current locale.
PreferencesStore - Class in org.jgrapes.util
This component provides a store for an application’s configuration backed by the Java Preferences.
PreferencesStore(Channel, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.PreferencesStore
Creates a new component with its channel set to the given channel and a base path derived from the given class.
PreferencesStore(Channel, Class<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.PreferencesStore
Allows the creation of a “read-only” store.
prefix() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.freemarker.FreeMarkerRequestHandler
Returns the prefix passed to the constructor.
PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.jgrapes.http.HttpRequestHandlerFactory
The key for the prefix property.
prefixPattern() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.freemarker.FreeMarkerRequestHandler
Gets the prefix pattern.
printError(Error) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ErrorPrinter
Prints the error.
priority() - Element in annotation interface org.jgrapes.core.annotation.Handler
Specifies a priority.
priority() - Element in annotation interface org.jgrapes.http.annotation.RequestHandler
Specifies a priority.
priority(Annotation) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.annotation.Handler.Evaluator
priority(Annotation) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.annotation.HandlerDefinition.Evaluator
Returns the priority defined by the annotation
priority(Annotation) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.annotation.RequestHandler.Evaluator
process() - Method in class
Return the Process associated with this channel.
processedBy() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Return the event pipeline that currently processes the event (if any).
processedBy() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
ProcessExited - Class in
Fired when a process has exited.
ProcessExited(StartProcess, int) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new event.
ProcessManager - Class in
Provides a component that executes processes.
ProcessManager() - Constructor for class
Creates a new connector, using itself as component channel.
ProcessManager(Channel) - Constructor for class
Create a new instance using the given channel.
ProcessManager.ProcessChannel - Class in
The Class ProcessChannel.
ProcessStarted - Class in
Fired when a process has been started.
ProcessStarted(StartProcess) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new event.
protocol() - Method in class
The accepted protocol.
protocol() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern
ProtocolSwitchAccepted - Class in
Indicates that a component has accepted a Request.In.Get with a header that requested an upgrade to another protocol.
ProtocolSwitchAccepted(Request.In, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event.
providerConfiguration(ConfigurationUpdate) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.ComponentProvider
Selects configuration information targeted at this component from the event.
Purge - Class in
Fired by an initiator of connections that maintains a pool of such connections if no more connections are available.
Purge() - Constructor for class
purgeableSince() - Method in class
Gets the the time when the connection became purgeable.
purgeableSince() - Method in interface
Returns since when the connection has become purgeable.
PurgeTerminator - Class in
A component that handles Purge events by unconditionally firing a Close events as response.
PurgeTerminator(Channel) - Constructor for class
put(Map<? super TypedIdKey<V>, ? super V>, Serializable, V) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.TypedIdKey
Associates the given value’s type and the id with the given value using the given map.
put(Map<K, V>, K, V) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Puts the given key and value in the given Map and returns the map.
Put(URL) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new request.
Put(HttpRequest, boolean, int, Channel...) - Constructor for class
Create a new event.


query() - Method in class
Returns the key used for the query.
queue - Variable in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventProcessor


read() - Method in class
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class
read(char[], int, int) - Method in class
readBuffers() - Method in class
Gets the read buffers.
Ready - Class in
Signals that a server has bound to a socket address and is ready to accept connections.
Ready(SocketAddress) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event.
reason() - Method in class
recollect(B) - Method in interface
Recollect the buffer.
recollect(W) - Method in class
Re-adds the buffer to the pool.
reducePermits(int) - Method in class
Remove the given number of permits from the pool.
registerAsGenerator() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
registerAsGenerator() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Register the managed component as a running generator.
Registration() - Constructor for class
Registration(SelectionKey) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new registration.
registrationComplete(NioRegistration.Registration) - Method in class
Invoked when registration has completed.
release() - Method in class
Release a previously obtained permit.
remaining() - Method in class
remaining() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in class
remoteAddress() - Method in interface
Returns the remote address.
remove() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.CompletionLockBase
Removes this completion lock from the event that it was created for.
remove(Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.GeneratorRegistry
Removes the generator.
remove(K, V) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components.PoolingIndex
Removes the given value from the pool associated with the given key.
remove(V) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components.PoolingIndex
Removes the value from the first pool in which it is found.
removeAll(K) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components.PoolingIndex
Removes all values associated with the key.
removeChannel(SocketConnectionManager.SocketChannelImpl) - Method in class
Removes the channel from the set of registered channels.
removeChannel(SocketConnectionManager.SocketChannelImpl) - Method in class
removeListener(AvailabilityListener) - Method in class
Removes the listener.
removePath(String) - Method in class
Associate the given path with null.
removeSegments(String, int) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern
Removes the given number of segments (and their trailing slashes) from the beginning of the path.
removeSession(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySessionManager
removeSession(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Removes the given session from the cache.
replaceBackingBuffer(T) - Method in class
Replace the backing buffer.
request() - Method in class
Returns the request.
Request<R> - Class in
The base class for all HTTP requests such as Request.In.Get, Request.In.Post etc.
Request(Channel...) - Constructor for class
Request.In - Class in
The base class for all incoming HTTP requests.
Request.In.Completed - Class in
The associated completion event.
Request.In.Connect - Class in
Represents a HTTP CONNECT request.
Request.In.Delete - Class in
The Class Delete.
Request.In.Get - Class in
Represents a HTTP GET request.
Request.In.Head - Class in
Represents a HTTP HEAD request.
Request.In.Options - Class in
Represents a HTTP OPTIONS request.
Request.In.Post - Class in
Represents a HTTP POST request.
Request.In.Put - Class in
Represents a HTTP PUT request.
Request.In.Trace - Class in
Represents a HTTP TRACE request.
Request.Out - Class in
The base class for all outgoing HTTP requests.
Request.Out.Connect - Class in
Represents a HTTP CONNECT request.
Request.Out.Delete - Class in
Represents a HTTP DELETE request.
Request.Out.Get - Class in
Represents a HTTP GET request.
Request.Out.Head - Class in
Represents a HTTP HEAD request.
Request.Out.Options - Class in
Represents a HTTP OPTIONS request.
Request.Out.Post - Class in
Represents a HTTP POST request.
Request.Out.Put - Class in
Represents a HTTP PUT request.
Request.Out.Trace - Class in
Represents a HTTP TRACE request.
requestedServerNames() - Method in class
requestEvent() - Method in class
Returns the original request.
RequestHandler - Annotation Interface in org.jgrapes.http.annotation
This annotation marks a method as handler for events.
RequestHandler.Evaluator - Class in org.jgrapes.http.annotation
This class provides the RequestHandler.Evaluator for the RequestHandler annotation.
RequestHandler.Evaluator.Scope - Class in org.jgrapes.http.annotation
The scope implementation.
requestUri() - Method in class
Returns an absolute URI of the request.
requestUri() - Method in class
Returns an absolute URI of the request.
reschedule(Duration) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components.Timer
Reschedules the timer for the given duration after now.
reschedule(Instant) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components.Timer
Reschedules the timer for the given instant.
reset() - Method in class
resourceBundle(Locale) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.freemarker.FreeMarkerRequestHandler
Provides a resource bundle for localization.
resourceInfo(URL) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport
Attempts to lookup the additional resource information for the given URL.
ResourceInfo(Boolean, Instant) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport.ResourceInfo
resourceName() - Method in class
Returns the resource for which the socket was opened.
resourceName() - Method in class
Return the resource requested in the upgrade.
ResourcePattern - Class in org.jgrapes.http
A resource pattern can be used to filter URIs.
ResourcePattern(String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern
Creates a new resource pattern.
ResourcePattern.PathSpliterator - Class in org.jgrapes.http
Returns the segments of the path.
respond(T) - Method in interface
Fires the given event on this subchannel using the subchannel’s response pipeline.
response() - Method in class
Response - Class in
Represents the response (header).
Response(MessageHeader) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new response.
ResponseCreationSupport - Class in org.jgrapes.http
Provides methods that support the creation of a Response events.
ResponseCreationSupport() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport
ResponseCreationSupport.DefaultMaxAgeCalculator - Class in org.jgrapes.http
DefaultMaxAgeCalculator provides an implementation that tries to guess a good max age value by looking at the path of the requested resource.
ResponseCreationSupport.MaxAgeCalculator - Interface in org.jgrapes.http
Describes a calculator for the max-age property.
ResponseCreationSupport.ResourceInfo - Class in org.jgrapes.http
Combines the known information about a resource.
responsePipeline() - Method in class
responsePipeline() - Method in interface
Gets the EventPipeline that can be used for events going back to the initiator of this connection.
restrictEventSource(EventPipeline) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.EventPipeline
Allow only the given source pipeline to fire events on this pipeline.
result() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.WwwFormUrldecoder
Gets the result.
results() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Waits for the event to be completed (see Event.isDone()) and returns the list of results (which may be empty if the event’s result type is Void).
results(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Causes the invoking thread to wait until the processing of the event has been completed (see Event.isDone()) or given timeout has expired and returns the list of results (which may be empty if the event’s result type is Void).
resumeHandling() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Resume the invocation of handlers for this event.
resumeHandling() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
Resume the invocation of handlers for this event.
rewind() - Method in class
root() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
root() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Returns the root of the tree the component managed by this manager belongs to.
run() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventProcessor
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class
Invoked once by the thread associated with the dispatcher.
run() - Method in class
run() - Method in class


sameSiteAttribute() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector
Returns the value of the same site attribute.
savedBacking - Variable in class
SaveInput - Class in
Causes the FileStorage component to write the data from all Input events on the channel that this event is fired on to a file until an event with the end of record flag set is sent on the channel.
SaveInput(Path, OpenOption...) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
SaveOutput - Class in
Causes the FileStorage component to write the data from all Output events on the channel that this event is fired on to a file until an event with the end of record flag set is sent on the channel.
SaveOutput(Path, OpenOption...) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
schedule(Components.TimeoutHandler, Duration) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Schedules the given timeout handler for the given offset from now.
schedule(Components.TimeoutHandler, Instant) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Schedules the given timeout handler for the given instance.
scheduledFor() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components.Timer
Returns the instant that this handler is scheduled for.
scope(ComponentType, Method, HandlerDefinition.ChannelReplacements) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.annotation.Handler.Evaluator
scope(ComponentType, Method, HandlerDefinition.ChannelReplacements) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.annotation.HandlerDefinition.Evaluator
Returns the information about the events and channels handled by the handler that annotates the given method of the given comonent as a HandlerScope object.
scope(ComponentType, Method, HandlerDefinition.ChannelReplacements) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.annotation.RequestHandler.Evaluator
Scope(ComponentType, Method, RequestHandler, Map<Class<? extends Channel>, Object[]>, String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.annotation.RequestHandler.Evaluator.Scope
Instantiates a new scope.
Self - Interface in org.jgrapes.core
This interface type can be used to specify the object itself as channel in handler annotations.
SELF - Static variable in interface org.jgrapes.core.Channel
A special channel object that can be passed as argument to the constructor of Component(Channel).
SenderChannel(Event<?>, Channel, Properties, Optional<Password>) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.mail.MailSender.SenderChannel
Instantiates a new monitor channel.
sendInputEvents() - Method in class
Causes the data to be fired as Input events rather than the usual Output events.
sendInputEvents() - Method in class
Causes the data to be fired as Input events rather than the usual Output events.
sendInputEvents() - Method in class
Causes the data to be fired as Input events rather than the usual Output events.
sendInputEvents() - Method in class
sendInputEvents() - Method in class
sendInputEvents() - Method in class
Causes the data to be fired as Input events rather than the usual Output events.
SendMailMessage - Class in
Indicates the arrival of a new message.
SendMailMessage(Channel...) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event.
sendMessage(SendMailMessage) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailSender.SenderChannel
Send the message provided by the event.
sendProcessedTemplate(Request.In, IOSubchannel, Template) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.freemarker.FreeMarkerRequestHandler
Render a response using the given template.
sendProcessedTemplate(Request.In, IOSubchannel, String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.freemarker.FreeMarkerRequestHandler
Render a response using the template obtained from the config with Configuration.getTemplate(String) and the given path.
sendResponse(HttpRequest, IOSubchannel, int, String) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport
Send a response to the given request with the given status code and reason phrase, including a text/plain body with the status code and reason phrase.
sendResponse(HttpRequest, IOSubchannel, HttpConstants.HttpStatus) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport
Shorthand for invoking ResponseCreationSupport.sendResponse(HttpRequest, IOSubchannel, int, String) with a predefined HTTP status.
sendStaticContent(HttpRequest, IOSubchannel, Function<String, URL>, ResponseCreationSupport.MaxAgeCalculator) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport
Creates and sends a response with static content.
sendStaticContent(Request.In, IOSubchannel, Function<String, URL>, ResponseCreationSupport.MaxAgeCalculator) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport
server() - Method in class
serverAddress() - Method in class
Returns the server address.
session() - Method in class
Returns the session to be discarded.
Session - Interface in org.jgrapes.http
Represents a browser session.
sessionCount() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySessionManager
sessionCount() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Return the number of established sessions.
SessionManager - Class in org.jgrapes.http
A base class for session managers.
SessionManager() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Creates a new session manager with its channel set to itself and the path set to “/”.
SessionManager(String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Creates a new session manager with its channel set to itself and the path set to the given path.
SessionManager(Channel) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Creates a new session manager with its channel set to the given channel and the path to “/”.
SessionManager(Channel, String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Creates a new session manager with the given channel and path.
SessionManager(Channel, String, int, String) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Creates a new session manager using the given channel and path.
SessionManager.SessionManagerInfo - Class in org.jgrapes.http
The session manager information.
SessionManager.SessionManagerMXBean - Interface in org.jgrapes.http
An MBean interface for getting information about the established sessions.
SessionManager.SessionManagerSummaryMXBean - Interface in org.jgrapes.http
An MBean interface for getting information about all session managers.
SessionManagerInfo(SessionManager) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager.SessionManagerInfo
Instantiates a new session manager info.
set(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class
Set new (updated), possibly structured configuration values (see ConfigurationStore.structure(Map) for the given path.
setAbsoluteTimeout(Duration) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Sets the absolute timeout for a session.
setAcceptNoSni(boolean) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
Determines if request from secure (TLS) connections without SNI are accepted.
setAcquireWarningLimit(long) - Method in interface
Set the acquire warning limit.
setApplicationBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpConnector
Sets the size of the buffers used for Input events on the application channel.
setApplicationBufferSize(int) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
Sets the size of the buffers used for Output events on the application channel.
setAssociated(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Associator
Establishes a “named” association to an associated object.
setAssociated(Object, Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
setAssociated(Object, Object) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Subchannel.DefaultSubchannel
Establishes a “named” association to an associated object.
setBacklog(int) - Method in class
Sets the backlog size.
setBcc(Address...) - Method in class
Sets the bcc addresses.
setBcc(List<Address>) - Method in class
Sets the bcc addresses.
setBeingDiscarded() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySession
Marks the session as to be removed.
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the buffer size.
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the buffer size for the send an receive buffers.
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class
setByteBufferPool(ManagedBufferPool<ManagedBuffer<ByteBuffer>, ByteBuffer>) - Method in class
setCc(Address...) - Method in class
Sets the cc addresses.
setCc(List<Address>) - Method in class
Sets the cc addresses.
setChannels(Channel...) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Sets the channels that the event is fired on if no channels are specified explicitly when firing the event (see, Channel...)).
setCharBufferPool(ManagedBufferPool<ManagedBuffer<CharBuffer>, CharBuffer>) - Method in class
setCharset(Charset) - Method in class
setComponentsEntry(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.ComponentProvider
Sets the name of the entry in this component’s configuration information (as returned by ComponentProvider.providerConfiguration(ConfigurationUpdate)) that holds the information about the components to be provided.
setConnectedCallback(BiConsumer<Request.Out, SocketIOChannel>) - Method in class
Sets a “connected callback”.
setConnectionLimiter(PermitsPool) - Method in class
Sets a permit “pool”.
setContent(MimeMultipart) - Method in class
Sets the content.
setCookieMaxAge(Duration) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector
Sets the max age of the cookie used to store the preferences.
setCookieName(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector
Sets the name of the cookie used to store the locale.
setCopyBufferSize(int) - Method in class
Sets the copy buffer size, defaults to 10240.
setDefaultDrainDelay(long) - Method in interface
Set the default drain delay.
setDefaultDrainDelay(long) - Static method in class
Sets the default delay after which buffers are removed from the pool.
setDefaultExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Set the default executor service for the framework.
setDrainDelay(long) - Method in class
Sets the delay after which buffers are removed from the pool.
setEventAssociations(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class
Configure associations that are applied to the generated Output events, see Event.setAssociated(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object).
setEventAssociations(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class
Configure associations that are applied to the generated Output events, see Event.setAssociated(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object).
setEventAssociations(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class
setEventAssociations(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class
setEventAssociations(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class
Configure associations that are applied to the generated Output events, see Event.setAssociated(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object).
setExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Method in class
Sets an executor service to be used by the event pipelines that forward data from the process.
setExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Method in class
Sets an executor service to be used by the downstream event pipelines.
setExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Method in class
Sets an executor service to be used by the event pipelines that process the data from the network.
setFactories(ComponentFactory...) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.ComponentProvider
Sets the factories that this provider knows about.
setFrom(Address) - Method in class
Sets the from.
setHeader(String, String) - Method in class
Sets a header.
setIdleTimeout(Duration) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Sets the idle timeout for a session.
setIdName(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
setMailProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
Specifies mail properties that override defaults set for the handling MailConnectionManager.
setMailProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailConnectionManager
Sets the mail properties.
setMailProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailSender
Sets the mail properties.
setMailProperty(String, String) - Method in class
Sets a single mail property, see OpenMailConnection.setMailProperties(Map).
setMatchLevels(int) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.HttpServer
Sets the number of elements from the request path used in the match value of the generated events (see Event.defaultCriterion()), defaults to 1.
setMaxAge(HttpResponse, int) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport
Sets the cache control header in the given response.
setMaxAgeCalculator(ResponseCreationSupport.MaxAgeCalculator) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.freemarker.FreeMarkerRequestHandler
Sets the ResponseCreationSupport.MaxAgeCalculator for generating the Cache-Control (max-age) header of the response.
setMaxAgeCalculator(ResponseCreationSupport.MaxAgeCalculator) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.StaticContentDispatcher
Sets the ResponseCreationSupport.MaxAgeCalculator for generating the Cache-Control (max-age) header of the response.
setMaxIdleTime(Duration) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailMonitor
Sets the maximum idle time.
setMaxIdleTime(Duration) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailSender
Sets the maximum idle time.
setMaxSessions(int) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Set the maximum number of sessions.
setMinimalPurgeableTime(long) - Method in class
Sets a minimal time that a connection must be purgeable (idle) before it may be purged.
setName(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Component
setName(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
setName(String) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Sets the (optional) name of the component.
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets a name for this pool (to be used in status reports).
setPassword(Password) - Method in class
Sets the password used for opening the connection.
setPassword(Password) - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailConnectionManager
Sets the password.
setPinned(List<Map<?, ?>>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.ComponentProvider
Sets the pinned configurations.
setRequestUri(URI) - Method in class
Sets the request URI.
setRequiresResult(boolean) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
setRequiresResult(boolean) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
setResult(T) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Sets the result of handling this event.
setSameSiteAttribute(Converters.SameSiteAttribute) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector
Sets the same site attribute for the locale cookie defaults to Lax.
setServerAddress(SocketAddress) - Method in class
Sets the address to bind to.
setSessionSupplier(Associator, String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Associated the associator with a session supplier for the given session id and note this as session manager.
setStandardProperties(ComponentType, Map<?, ?>) - Static method in interface org.jgrapes.core.ComponentFactory
Assigns standard properties from the given properties to the component.
setSubject(String) - Method in class
Sets the subject.
setTimerExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Sets the executor service used for executing timers.
setTo(Address...) - Method in class
Sets the to addresses.
setTo(List<Address>) - Method in class
Sets the to addresses.
simpleClassName(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Returns the simple name of a class.
simpleObjectName(Object) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Returns the simple name of the object’s class together with an id (see Components.objectId(Object)).
SocketChannelImpl(OpenSocketConnection, SocketChannel) - Constructor for class
SocketConnectionManager - Class in
Provides a base class for the SocketServer and the SocketConnector.
SocketConnectionManager(Channel) - Constructor for class
Creates a new server using the given channel.
SocketConnectionManager.SocketChannelImpl - Class in
SocketConnector - Class in
A component that reads from or write to a socket connection.
SocketConnector() - Constructor for class
Creates a new connector, using itself as component channel.
SocketConnector(Channel) - Constructor for class
Create a new instance using the given channel.
SocketIOChannel - Interface in
A special sub channel used for socket connections.
SocketServer - Class in
Provides a socket server.
SocketServer() - Constructor for class
Creates a new server, using itself as component channel.
SocketServer(Channel) - Constructor for class
Creates a new server using the given channel.
SocketServer.SocketServerInfo - Class in
The Class SocketServerInfo.
SocketServer.SocketServerMXBean - Interface in
The Interface of the SocketServer MXBean.
SocketServer.SocketServerMXBean.ChannelInfo - Class in
The Class ChannelInfo.
SocketServer.SocketServerSummaryMXBean - Interface in
An MBean interface for getting information about the socket servers and established connections.
SocketServerInfo(SocketServer) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new socket server info.
split(String, int) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern
Splits the given path in a prefix with the given number of segments and the rest.
splitPath(URI) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern
If the URI matches, returns the path split according to the matched pattern (see ResourcePattern.split(String, int)).
SslCodec - Class in
A component that receives and sends byte buffers on an encrypted channel and sends and receives the corresponding decrypted data on a plain channel.
SslCodec(Channel, Channel, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new codec to be used as client.
SslCodec(Channel, Channel, SSLContext) - Constructor for class
Creates a new codec that uses the given SSLContext.
start(ComponentType) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Fires a Start event with an associated Started completion event on the broadcast channel of the given application and wait for the completion of the Start event.
Start - Class in
An event that signals the start of the application.
Start() - Constructor for class
Create a new start event and set its completion event to Started.
startDiscarding(long, long) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySessionManager
startDiscarding(long, long) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.SessionManager
Start discarding all sessions (generate DiscardSession events) that have reached their absolute or idle timeout.
Started - Class in
The event that signals the completion of the Start event.
Started(Start, Channel...) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new Started event.
startedBy() - Method in class
Returns the event that started the terminated process.
startEvent() - Method in class
Returns the event that started the process.
startEvent() - Method in class
Return the event that caused this channel to be created.
StartProcess - Class in
Starts a new process managed by the ProcessManager component that handles the event.
StartProcess(String...) - Constructor for class
Signals that a new process should be started.
StartProcess(List<String>) - Constructor for class
Signals that a new process should be started.
StartProcessError - Class in
Indicates a problem while starting a process.
StartProcessError(Event<?>, String) - Constructor for class
StartProcessError(Event<?>, String, Throwable) - Constructor for class
StartProcessError(Event<?>, Throwable) - Constructor for class
StartProcessError(StartProcessError) - Constructor for class
Creates a new event as a copy of an existing event.
StaticContentDispatcher - Class in org.jgrapes.http
A dispatcher for requests for static content, usually files.
StaticContentDispatcher(String, URI) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.StaticContentDispatcher
Creates a new component base with its channel set to itself.
StaticContentDispatcher(Channel, String, URI) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.StaticContentDispatcher
Creates new dispatcher that tries to fulfill requests matching the given resource pattern from the given content root.
statusCode() - Method in class
stop() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Can be called during the execution of an event handler to indicate that the event should not be processed further.
Stop - Class in
An event that causes an application to shut down.
Stop() - Constructor for class
Create a new stop event with the event’s channels set to Channel.BROADCAST.
storeAs(String, String...) - Method in class
Adds a new update action to the event that stores the given value on the path formed by the path segments.
stream() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Returns the components visited when traversing the tree that starts with this component.
stream(String) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern.PathSpliterator
Creates a new stream for the given path, using “/” as path separator.
stream(String, String) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern.PathSpliterator
Creates a new stream for the given path, using the characters from delimiters as seperators.
StreamFile - Class in
Causes the content of a file to be streamed as a sequence of Output events (terminated by an event with the end of record flag set) on the channel that this event is fired on.
StreamFile(Path, OpenOption...) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
structure(Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.util.ConfigurationStore
Same as ConfigurationStore.structure(Map, boolean) with false as second argument.
structure(Map<String, ?>, boolean) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.util.ConfigurationStore
The reverse operation to ConfigurationStore.flatten(Map).
structured(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.ConfigurationStore
Return the properties for a given path if they exists as structured data, see ConfigurationStore.structure(Map).
structured(String) - Method in class
Return the properties for a given path if they exists as a map with (possibly) structured values (see ConfigurationStore.structured(String)).
structured(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.NightConfigStore
structured(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.PreferencesStore
Subchannel - Interface in org.jgrapes.core
Represents a subchannel.
Subchannel.DefaultSubchannel - Class in org.jgrapes.core
A simple implementation of Subchannel.
subject() - Method in class
Gets the subject.
submit(Runnable) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.EventPipeline
Like EventPipeline.submit(String, Callable) but without specifiying a name for the event debug log.
submit(String, Runnable) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.EventPipeline
Adds an action to be executed to the event pipeline.
submit(String, Callable<V>) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.EventPipeline
Adds an action to be executed to the event pipeline.
submit(Callable<V>) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.EventPipeline
Like EventPipeline.submit(String, Callable) but without specifying a name for the event debug log.
suppressClose() - Method in class
Suppresses sending of a close event when the stream is closed.
suppressClose() - Method in class
Suppresses sending of a close event when the stream is closed.
suppressClose() - Method in class
suppressClose() - Method in class
suppressClosed() - Method in class
Suppresses the sending of a closed event when the stream is closed.
suppressClosed() - Method in class
Suppresses the sending of a closed event when the stream is closed.
suppressEndOfRecord() - Method in class
Suppresses setting the end of record flag when the stream is flushed or closed.
suppressEndOfRecord() - Method in class
Suppresses setting the end of record flag when the stream is flushed or closed.
suppressEndOfRecord() - Method in class
suppressEndOfRecord() - Method in class
suspendHandling() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Suspend the invocation of the remaining handlers for this event.
suspendHandling() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
Suspend the invocation of the remaining handlers for this event.
suspendHandling(Runnable) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Suspend the invocation of the remaining handlers for this event.
suspendHandling(Runnable) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventBase
Suspend the invocation of the remaining handlers for this event.


TEMPLATE_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.jgrapes.http.freemarker.FreeMarkerRequestHandler
ThreadCleaner - Class in
Cleans up threads if some object has been garbage collected.
throwable() - Method in class
Returns the throwable that caused the problem.
tieTo(Event<T>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
Tie the result of this event to the result of the other event.
timeout(Components.Timer) - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Components.TimeoutHandler
Invoked when the timeout occurs.
timeoutHandler() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components.Timer
Returns the timeout handler of this timer.
timerExecutorService() - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
Returns the executor service used for executing timers.
to() - Method in class
Gets the to addresses.
TomlConfigurationStore - Class in org.jgrapes.util
This component provides a store for an application’s configuration backed by a TOML file.
TomlConfigurationStore(Channel, File) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.TomlConfigurationStore
Creates a new component with its channel set to the given channel and the given file.
TomlConfigurationStore(Channel, File, boolean) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.TomlConfigurationStore
Creates a new component with its channel set to the given channel and the given file.
TomlConfigurationStore(Channel, File, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.TomlConfigurationStore
Creates a new component with its channel set to the given channel and the given file.
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.ClassChannel
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.CompletionEvent
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Event
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ActionEvent
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.BufferingEventPipeline
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
If a name has been set for this component (see Manager.setName(String)), return the name, else return the object name provided by Components.objectName(Object), using ComponentVertex.component() as argument.
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventChannelsTuple
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventProcessor
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.NamedChannel
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.NamedEvent
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.Subchannel.DefaultSubchannel
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.TypedIdKey
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.annotation.RequestHandler.Evaluator.Scope
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySession
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.LanguageSelector.Selection
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.mail.MailMonitor
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.Password
Return “(hidden)”.
toString(Channel) - Static method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Channel
Returns a textual representation of a channel.
toString(Channel[]) - Static method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Channel
Returns a textual representation of an array of channels.
toString(Subchannel) - Static method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Subchannel
Returns a string representation of the channel.
Trace(URL) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new request.
Trace(HttpRequest, boolean, int, Channel...) - Constructor for class
Create a new event.
transientData() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySession
transientData() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.http.Session
Return the storage area for transient data.
tree() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.EventProcessor
Gets the component tree.
tryAcquire() - Method in class
Try to acquire a permit.
tryAdvance(Consumer<? super String>) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResourcePattern.PathSpliterator
TypedIdKey<V> - Class in org.jgrapes.core
Combines a type and an id value to a key for an Associator or Map.


unlink(Manager) - Method in class
Removes the association between the upstream channel and this channel.
unlockBuffer() - Method in class
Decreases the buffer’s lock count.
unregisterAsGenerator() - Method in class org.jgrapes.core.internal.ComponentVertex
unregisterAsGenerator() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.Manager
Unregister the managed component as a running generator.
update(String, String) - Method in class
Adds a new update action to the event.
Update(String, String) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new update.
updateInterested(int) - Method in class
Update the mask for interesting operations.
updateInterested(int) - Method in class
updateLastUsedAt() - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.InMemorySession
Updates the last used time stamp.
updateLastUsedAt() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.http.Session
Updates the last used time stamp.
UpdateMailFolders - Class in
Triggers the retrieval of mails (update) by a MailMonitor.
UpdateMailFolders(String...) - Constructor for class
Causes new messages to be retrieved from the given folders.
updatePrefixPattern(ResourcePattern) - Method in class org.jgrapes.http.freemarker.FreeMarkerRequestHandler
Updates the prefix pattern.
Upgraded - Class in
Fired when a protocol upgrade was successful.
Upgraded(URI, String, Channel...) - Constructor for class
upstreamChannel() - Method in class
Returns the upstream channel.
upstreamToString(Channel) - Static method in class
The LinkedIOSubchannel.toString() method of LinkedIOSubchannels shows the channel together with the upstream channel that it is linked to.
uriFromPath(String) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport
Create a URI from a path.
uriFromUrl(URL) - Static method in class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport
Create a URI from a URL.
useVirtualThreads() - Static method in class org.jgrapes.core.Components
JGrapes uses virtual thread by default.


value() - Method in class
value(String, String) - Method in class
Return the value with the given path and key if it exists as string.
value(String, String, Class<T>) - Method in class
Return the value with the given path and key if it exists and is of or can be converted to the requested type.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.ConfigurationStore
Return the values for a given path if they exist.
values(String) - Method in class
Return the properties for a given path if any exist.
values(String) - Method in class org.jgrapes.util.PreferencesStore
VERSION_PATTERN - Static variable in class org.jgrapes.http.ResponseCreationSupport.DefaultMaxAgeCalculator


watch(Object, Thread) - Static method in class
Watch the referent and terminate the thread if it is garbage collected.
WatchFile - Class in
Registers a path to be watched with a FileSystemWatcher.
WatchFile(Path) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
WebSocketClose - Class in
An event that provides the close information when a WebSockt is closed.
WebSocketClose(WsCloseFrame, Channel...) - Constructor for class
withFolder(Folder, Function<Folder, R>) - Static method in class
Execute the action with the given folder.
wrap(B) - Static method in class
Convenience method for creating a ManagedBuffer with a BufferCollector.NOOP_COLLECTOR from a NIO buffer.
wrapped() - Method in interface org.jgrapes.core.internal.InternalEventPipelineWrapper
Return the internal event pipeline.
write(byte[]) - Method in class
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
write(char[]) - Method in class
write(char[]) - Method in class
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class
write(String) - Method in class
write(String) - Method in class
write(String, int, int) - Method in class
write(String, int, int) - Method in class
write(String, int, int) - Method in class
write(Output<ByteBuffer>) - Method in class
Write the data on this channel.
WwwFormUrldecoder - Class in org.jgrapes.http
Decodes www-form-urlencoded data.
WwwFormUrldecoder() - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.http.WwwFormUrldecoder


YamlConfigurationStore - Class in org.jgrapes.util
This component provides a store for an application’s configuration backed by a YAML file.
YamlConfigurationStore(Channel, File) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.YamlConfigurationStore
Creates a new component with its channel set to the given channel and the given file.
YamlConfigurationStore(Channel, File, boolean) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.YamlConfigurationStore
Creates a new component with its channel set to the given channel and the given file.
YamlConfigurationStore(Channel, File, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.jgrapes.util.YamlConfigurationStore
Creates a new component with its channel set to the given channel and the given file.
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