All Classes and Interfaces

A base class for CharBufferWriter and ByteBufferWriter.
This event signals that a new connection has been made by a client.
A base class for events that perform an action instead of being handled.
Helper class for simulating event handlers.
Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
Signals the addition of a component (or subtree) to the component tree.
Used to notify interested objects about the changed availability of permits.
Defines the method of a buffer collector.
Forwards the lines from a BufferedReader as a sequence of Output (or optionally Input) events.
The buffering event pipeline is used before a tree has been started.
An OutputStream that is backed by ByteBuffers obtained from a queue.
An Writer that encodes the data written to it and stores it in a ByteBuffer obtained from a queue.
Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
This interface’s class can be used to specify the component’s channel (see as criterion in handler annotations.
An Writer that is backed by CharBuffers obtained from a queue.
This class is the root base class for channels that use their class (type) as value for matching (see Eligible).
This event signals that a new connection has been made by a client.
This event causes the initiator of an I/O channel to shutdown the channel.
This event signals that an I/O subchannel will no longer be used.
A base class for events that signal the completion of some other (monitored) event and provide this other event as their result.
Represents a lock that prevents sending completion events.
The base class for completeion locks.
This class can be used as base class for implementing a component.
This class has been moved to ComponentCollector.
A component that collects all component factory services of a given type and uses each to create one or more components that are then attached to the component collector instance.
A general purpose factory interface for components.
This annotation marks a component type’s attribute of type Manager as a slot for the component type’s manager.
Provides child components dynamically using ComponentFactorys.
The ComponentProxy is a special ComponentVertex that references the object implementing the Component interface (instead of being its base class).
This class provides some utility functions.
Implemented by classes that want a special class (scope) to be used for looking up their id or want to map to another object for getting the id (see Components.objectId(Object)).
An index of pooled items.
Instances are added to the scheduler in order to be invoked at a given time.
Represents a timer as created by Components.schedule(TimeoutHandler, Instant).
This interface marks a class as a component.
ComponentVertex is the base class for all nodes in the component tree.
A base class for configuration stores.
An event to indicate that configuration information has been updated.
This event signals that a new connection has been established.
Indicates a problem while opening a network connection.
A base class for components that manage Subchannels representing some kind of connection to a server or service.
A filter that copies all data read into a buffer.
Common utility methods.
Signals that some data is available for handling.
Signals the removal of a component from the component tree.
Causes a session manager to discard the given session.
This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
This event signals that an error occurred while processing an event.
A fallback error printer.
This class is the base class for all events.
Provides the implementations of methods to class Event that need access to classes or methods that are visible in the implementation package only.
This class provides a container for an event and an arbitrary number of channels.
An interface that describes a queue of events that are sent to the components of the associated tree.
This class provides the default implementation of an EventPipeline.
Informs about changes of a watched file.
The kind of change detected.
A component that reads from or writes to a file.
A component that watches paths in the file system for changes and sends events if such changes occur.
A base class for components that generate responses to HTTP requests which are based on a FreeMarker template.
A registry for generators.
This event signals that an I/O subchannel has been closed on the other end.
This is the basic, general purpose handler annotation provided as part of the core package.
This class provides the Handler.Evaluator for the Handler annotation provided by the core package.
The default value for the channels parameter of the annotation.
The default value for the events parameter of the annotation.
This annotation tags some other annotation as a handler annotation.
Represents channel (criteria) replacements that are to be applied to channels elements of Handler annotations.
This interface allows access to the properties defined by arbitrary handler annotations in a uniform way.
This interface allows to verify whether a given event fired on one of the given channels is handled by a handler.
This event signals that a throwable occurred while executing a handler.
Indicates that a host name could not be resolved.
Signals that a HTTP connection for a HttpRequest has been established.
A converter component that receives and sends web application layer messages and byte buffers on associated network channels.
A component factory that creates components with at least one handler for Request events.
A converter component that receives and sends byte buffers on a network channel and web application layer messages on IOSubchannels of its channel.
A special ConfigurationUpdate event that is used for reporting the configuration on startup.
A special ConfigurationUpdate event that is used by the PreferencesStore for reporting the configuration on startup.
Implements the Session interface using a ConcurrentHashMap.
A in memory session manager.
This event signals that a new chunk of data has successfully been obtained from some source.
May be implemented by classes that can consume input events to support generic usage.
A component that watches for new input on an InputStream.
Forwards the content of an input stream as a sequence of Output (or optionally Input) events.
Must be implemented by classes that implement EventPipeline.
A variant of InternetAddress that can be used as a Principal.
Some HandlerScope implementations use only a subset of the properties of the events passed to HandlerScope.includes(Eligible, Eligible[]) for evaluating the result.
A special kind of Error that signals I/O related problems.
Events of this type signal that a new chunk of data is available for processing.
Represents a subchannel for grouping input and output events related to an I/O resource such as an opened file or a network connection.
A simple implementation of IOSubchannel.
This component provides a store for an application’s configuration backed by a JSON file.
Signals an error that occurred while parsing JSON.
A ManagedBufferStreamer that feeds the data to a JSON parser.
Defines an optional completion event for a KeyValueStoreQuery.
A query event for a key/value store.
An event that triggers updates or deletions in a key/value store.
The base class for all actions.
A key (and value) deletion.
A value update.
A component that attempts to derive information about language preferences from requests in the specified scope (usually “/”) and make them available as a LanguageSelector.Selection object associated with the request event using Selection.class as association identifier.
Represents a locale selection.
Collects character data from buffers and makes it available as complete lines.
Provides an I/O subchannel that is linked to another I/O subchannel.
A special sub channel used for sending and receiving mail.
Provides a base class for mail components using connections.
Signals the retrieval of mails (update) by a MailMonitor.
A component that opens mail stores and monitors mail folders for mails.
Fired when the requested connection has been established.
A component that sends mail using a system wide or user specific connection.
A wrapper around a Buffer that maintains a lock count for that buffer.
A queue based buffer pool.
An MBean interface for getting information about the managed buffer pools.
Information about a single managed pool.
Three views on the existing pool.
A Reader that provides the data from the ManagedBuffers fed to it to a consumer.
Starts a thread with a synchronous consumer of input provided by a Reader which is fed with data from ManagedBuffers (usually obtained from Input events).
The interface that provides the methods for manipulating the component and the component’s hierarchy and for firing events.
Base class for events that signal the reception of a message.
This class provides channels that are identified by a name (string).
A class for events using a simple name as the event’s kind.
A base class for configuration stored based on the night config library.
A helper component that provides the central hub for non blocking I/O components.
Defines the contract between a component using non blocking I/O and the NioDispatcher.
Signal a registration request to a registry.
The completion event for a NioRegistration event.
Passed during registration.
This event signals that an I/O resource has successfully been opened (usually in response to some …Open event).
A base class for events that cause a file to be opened.
This event is fired on IOSubchannels that are created by provider components before their first usage for Input or Output events.
Common base class for events that open a mail connection for sending or receiving mail.
An event that opens folders on the store defined by the base class for monitoring.
Fired to open a connection for sending mails.
This event signals that a new chunk of internally generated data is to be forwarded to some destination.
May be used to associate (pending) Output events with another event.
Stores a password in such a way that it can be cleared.
A class that manages a set of permits and notifies listeners about changes of availability.
This component provides a store for an application’s configuration backed by the Java Preferences.
Fired when a process has exited.
Provides a component that executes processes.
Fired when a process has been started.
Indicates that a component has accepted a Request.In.Get with a header that requested an upgrade to another protocol.
Fired by an initiator of connections that maintains a pool of such connections if no more connections are available.
A component that handles Purge events by unconditionally firing a Close events as response.
Signals that a server has bound to a socket address and is ready to accept connections.
The base class for all HTTP requests such as Request.In.Get, Request.In.Post etc.
The base class for all incoming HTTP requests.
The associated completion event.
Represents a HTTP CONNECT request.
The Class Delete.
Represents a HTTP GET request.
Represents a HTTP HEAD request.
Represents a HTTP OPTIONS request.
Represents a HTTP POST request.
Represents a HTTP PUT request.
Represents a HTTP TRACE request.
The base class for all outgoing HTTP requests.
Represents a HTTP CONNECT request.
Represents a HTTP DELETE request.
Represents a HTTP GET request.
Represents a HTTP HEAD request.
Represents a HTTP OPTIONS request.
Represents a HTTP POST request.
Represents a HTTP PUT request.
Represents a HTTP TRACE request.
This annotation marks a method as handler for events.
This class provides the RequestHandler.Evaluator for the RequestHandler annotation.
The scope implementation.
A resource pattern can be used to filter URIs.
Returns the segments of the path.
Represents the response (header).
Provides methods that support the creation of a Response events.
DefaultMaxAgeCalculator provides an implementation that tries to guess a good max age value by looking at the path of the requested resource.
Describes a calculator for the max-age property.
Combines the known information about a resource.
Causes the FileStorage component to write the data from all Input events on the channel that this event is fired on to a file until an event with the end of record flag set is sent on the channel.
Causes the FileStorage component to write the data from all Output events on the channel that this event is fired on to a file until an event with the end of record flag set is sent on the channel.
This interface type can be used to specify the object itself as channel in handler annotations.
Indicates the arrival of a new message.
Represents a browser session.
A base class for session managers.
The session manager information.
An MBean interface for getting information about the established sessions.
An MBean interface for getting information about all session managers.
Provides a base class for the SocketServer and the SocketConnector.
A component that reads from or write to a socket connection.
A special sub channel used for socket connections.
Provides a socket server.
The Class SocketServerInfo.
The Interface of the SocketServer MXBean.
The Class ChannelInfo.
An MBean interface for getting information about the socket servers and established connections.
A component that receives and sends byte buffers on an encrypted channel and sends and receives the corresponding decrypted data on a plain channel.
An event that signals the start of the application.
The event that signals the completion of the Start event.
Starts a new process managed by the ProcessManager component that handles the event.
Indicates a problem while starting a process.
A dispatcher for requests for static content, usually files.
An event that causes an application to shut down.
Causes the content of a file to be streamed as a sequence of Output events (terminated by an event with the end of record flag set) on the channel that this event is fired on.
Represents a subchannel.
A simple implementation of Subchannel.
Cleans up threads if some object has been garbage collected.
This component provides a store for an application’s configuration backed by a TOML file.
Combines a type and an id value to a key for an Associator or Map.
Triggers the retrieval of mails (update) by a MailMonitor.
Fired when a protocol upgrade was successful.
Registers a path to be watched with a FileSystemWatcher.
An event that provides the close information when a WebSockt is closed.
Decodes www-form-urlencoded data.
This component provides a store for an application’s configuration backed by a YAML file.