
I/O related components built on top of the core package.

I/O Subchannels

A central concept introduced by this package are IOSubchannels. They allow the Input and Output events from different connections to be transferred on the same Channel. Details can be found in the description of the interface.

Connection Provider Components

Connection provider components actively create a connection to some other process or wait for other processes to create a connection that is used to exchange information. Such components must (directly or indirectly) register as generator (see ComponentVertex.registerAsGenerator()) while connections are active or the components are waiting for incoming connections to prevent premature termination of the framework.

When a new connection is established, these components usually create a IOSubchannel that represents the connection with the other process. On this sub channel, the connection provider components should send events according to the following convention:

  • An Opening event to inform other interested components about the new I/O subchannel. A component’s handler might e.g. send a SaveInput event to log all input on this channel. Only after the completion of Opening event should the next event be sent on the I/O subchannel.

  • An Opened event (or some derived class with more information about the type of connection that has been opened).

  • Input events as data from the client arrives.

  • Finally a Close event that indicates that the connection has terminated.

Using Buffers

The data associated with Input and Output events is stored in NIO buffers. JGrapes manages these buffers in pools. To support this, JGrapes defines the class ManagedBuffer that wraps a NIO buffer, adding the information required for managing it.

Pooling is not done to avoid garbage collection, but for shaping streams of data. Imagine a pipeline where stage A produces data much faster than stage B can handle it. If we allowed arbitrary buffer allocation, it might happen that a lot of memory is used for buffers created by stage A and not yet consumed by stage B.

Using a buffer pool limits the the production rate of stage A without reducing the overall performance. When all buffers are in use, stage A has to wait until some data is consumed by stage B and a buffer is freed. But as soon as this is the case, stage A can continue to produce data in parallel (unless you set the pool size to 1, of course).