JGrapes (core-1.22.1, io-2.12.1, http-3.5.0, http.freemarker-1.17.0, util-1.38.1, mail-2.1.0)

An event driven component framework.


JGrapes is an event driven component framework. It consists of several packages that built on each other. Each package is available as a jar file.

Package hierarchy
This package provides the basic mechanisms for defining components and for handling events. Make sure to read this package’s description first. It explains the architecture of the framework and its main elements.
Input/Output related extensions for the framework. See the package description for details.
Components for building HTTP servers. See the package description for details.
Defines the interfaces and classes that provide the core functionality of the JGrapes event driven component framework.
Annotations used by the library.
Core events.
Classes implementing the public API of the library.
Provides components for building a HTTP server based on the core and IO components.
Adds a special annotation for methods that handle HTTP request events.
Provides the events handled by the server components.
Provides a base component for generating template based responses to HTTP requests.
I/O related components built on top of the core package.
Provides the events used by the I/O related components.
Classes for managing processes.
Utility classes, mainly for adapted buffers to specific needs.
Events associated with classes from org.jgrapes.io.util.
Components for handling mail.
Mail related events.
Networking related I/O classes.
Utility components that are too small to deserve individual libraries/projects.