A generic controller for tables. It provides information about the available columns and maintains state regarding their sort order and direction. In addition, it supports simple filtering based on cell content.


  • Creates a new controller for a table with the given numer of columns.


    • columns: unknown[][]

      the columns as a list of pairs of column key and column label. Labels may be functions which are invoked with the table controller as this and the key as argument if a label is required.

    • options: { sortKey: string; sortOrder: string }
      • sortKey: string

        the initial sort key

      • sortOrder: string

        the initial sort order

    Returns TableController



  • A convenience function that inserts word breaks (&#x200b) before every dot in the given text and returns the result.


    • text: string

      the text

    Returns string

  • A convenience method for clearing an input element that is used to specify a filter. Searches for an input element in the event.target's enclosing elements and sets its value to the empty string.


    • event: Event

      the event

    Returns void

  • Sort and filter the given data according to the current state of the controller. Returns the sorted data.


    • data: any[]

    Returns any[]

  • Sets a filter for the data.


    • filter: string

      the string to match

    Returns void

  • Returns the column label for the given column key.


    • key: string

      the column key

    Returns undefined | string

  • This method sets the primary sort key. If the order is undefined, and the current sort key is the same as the specified key, the current sort order is inverted.


    • key: string

      the column key

    • Optionalorder: string

      the sort order ('up' for ascending and 'down' for descending) or undefined

    Returns void

  • Returns true if given key is the current sort key and the current sort order for is ascending.


    • key: string

      the column key

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if given key is the current sort key and the current sort order for is descending.


    • key: string

      the column key

    Returns boolean

  • Returns the sort order of the column with the given key (1 for "up" and -1 for "down").


    • key: string

      the column key

    Returns undefined | number

  • A convenience method to update the filter from the value of the passed in event.


    • event: Event

      the event which must have a currentTarget with a value attribute.

    Returns void