Class OidcClient

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterable<ComponentType>, Channel, ComponentType, Eligible, Manager

public class OidcClient extends Component
Helper component for LoginConlet that handles the communication with the OIDC provider.

“OidcClient” is a bit of a misnomer because this class not only initiates requests to the OIDC provider but also serves the redirect URI that the provider uses as callback. However, the callback can be seen as the asynchronous response to the authentication request that the OidcClient sends initially, therefore the component primarily acts as a client nevertheless.

The component requires an HTTP connector (usually an instance of HttpConnector) to exist that handles the Request.Out events that this component fires. There must also be an HTTP server (usually an instance of HttpServer) that converts the provider’s calls to the redirect URI from the provider to a Request.In.Get event. Details about configuring the various channels used can be found in the description of the constructor.

The component has a single configuration property that sets the value of the redirect URI sent to the OIDC provider.

    redirectUri: "https://localhost:5443/vjconsole/oauth/callback"

While it is tempting to simply use as redirect URI the host/port from the HTTP server component together with the request path passed to the constructor, there are two reasons why the redirect URI has to be configured explicitly. First, the framework does not support querying the host/port properties from the server component. Second, and more import, the HTTP server component will often be placed behind a firewall or reverse proxy and therefore the URL that it serves will usually differ from the redirect URI sent to the OIDC provider.